Chapter 2

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A few minutes later I see Ethan running through the hospital doors. He runs towards me and hugs me tightly. I cry into the crook of his neck and he rubs my back. Neither of us say anything, we don't have to. After a while he pulls back and sits me down on his lap. I rest my head on his shoulder, still sniffling as he runs his hand through my hair. Then I finally drift off to sleep.

I wake up to Ethan gently nuding my shoulder. "Hannah.. Hannah wake up" he says softly as I slowly open my eyes. Then I realise it's still dark out. "Ethan?" I mumble sleepily "why are you up? What time is it?" then i notice the nurse standing next to us "it's 4:30 in the morning, your brother just woke up" she says. "Liam??? Oh my gosh Liam!" I whisper-shout, trying to stay calm. "Can I see him?" I ask. "Of course" the nurse says "he's in room 6. I run down the hallway, Ethan right behind me. I walk into the room and see Liam sitting on the bed, his hands over his head which clearly hurt. "LIAM!" I squeal as I run over to hug him. "I already have a headache, Hannah, please don't make it worse" he laughs as he wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry" I reply "I was just so worried about you! Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm okay. My head hurts a lot though." he says as I pull back. I sit down on the bed next to him, my arm around his neck. "Oh hey, Ethan" Liam says. I actually completely forgot Ethan was there, he was awkwardly standing in the doorway. He walked into the room and gave Liam a hug. They were also pretty close, as Liam and I went to his house a lot to avoid dad. "Good to see you bud" Ethan says as he lets go. Then the nurse comes in. "Sorry to interrupt, I just need to check on your brother". "Oh, it's fine" I say "by the way, I was wondering if it would be ok for us to spend the rest of the night here?" "Of course" she says while checking Liam's stats "We can't have you going back to your dad now, can we". "Thank you so much" I say. "No problem. I'm afraid there are only two beds though" Ethan, Liam and I look at each other. "Oh well, uhm, that's okay" I say. She smiles and leaves the room. I look at Liam, then at Ethan, then at the other bed. Ethan and I start running towards the bed, but I jump onto it first. "Aw, too bad. Guess you'll have to share the other bed with Liam!" I say playfully. Then I realise Liam's already asleep. The meds must have knocked him out. "Well, I wouldn't want to wake him up" Ethan says, smirking. "Well I guess you'll have to sleep on the floor then" I laugh. "No way!" Ethan says. Then I pretend to sleep, snoring loudly. Ethan just lays down next to me, his face against my neck. Excuse me?!" I say. Then Ethan starts snoring too. "Very funny" I say "now get off MY bed please!" But Ethan had other plans. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. I try to escape his embrace at first, but after I while I give up. It actually felt kind of nice, I felt safe. It wasn't weird, we were best friends after all. But for some reason this felt different from the other times we've hugged.

NOTE: thank you for 10 reads on the last chapter! Remember to vote & comment opinions & suggestions! Comment your name to be featured in the story

I will post chapter 3 when chapter 2 gets 5 reads! :)

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