Chapter 4

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I am awoken by a cold splash of water in my face followed by Ethan laughing. I gasp for air. "Not cool dude" I groan, still half asleep. Ethan lays down on the bed, still laughing hysterically, so I pounce on top of him and tickle him. He laughs even harder. "H-h-hannah s-stop!" He manages to say through his laughter. "Say you're sorry!" I say. "I-I'm sorry!" He says and I stop tickling him. He sighs as I poke his cheeks. Then he rolls me over so he's on top of me. "Now it's my turn!" He says as he starts to tickle me. I am laughing so hard I can hardly breathe. He keeps tickling me for a while until I finally manage to speak. "Eth! S-s-STOP!" I laugh and he stops. "God, you such are a jerk sometimes". "You know you love me" he smirks.
Then we go to the guest room to see if Liam is awake yet. We open the door and sneak in, only to find him fast asleep with his head buried in his pillow. Ethan wants to throw water in his face too, but I remind him that Liam needs rest so we leave him be. Ethan and I go downstairs to get some breakfast. I notice Ethan's parents aren't there, they usually get up pretty early. "Are your parents still sleeping?" I ask him. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you they're staying with my grandma for a few days". "Ethan! Liam has to have constant adult supervision!" "I know, I'm sorry. My mom just texted me this morning. Apparently my grandma isn't feeling too well". "Oh okay, well I guess we'll have to keep an eye on him then". Then we walk into the kitchen. "My dearest Ethan, will y-" "No, Hannah, I will not make you breakfast" he says chuckling. He knows me too well. I jump onto his back and wrap my arms around his neck. "Please?" I say, poking his cheeks. "No!" "But I looove you" I say in a silly voice. "Alright, because you asked so nicely" he laughs. "Pancakes?" "Yes please" I say as I walk to the living room. I get cozy on the couch and snuggle up under a blanket. After some time Ethan enters the living room with a stack of pancakes. He puts one on a plate and drizzles some maple syrup onto it. "Thank you, chef" I say and we eat our pancakes. When we finish we decide to watch some TV. "You look cozy there" Ethan says "can I join you?" "I guess you did make me pancakes" I laugh and move over to make room for him. He lays down behind me and puts his arm around me. We lay there watching Spongebob for an hour or so until Liam walks in. "Get a room you two" he smirks. "Good morning to you too" I say. Then he sees the pancakes. "Wow, for me? Thank you guys!" He says jokingly. "Well, actually, they are for you. We've had some already" Ethan says. "Good, I'm starving" Liam replies. He grabs some pancakes and sits on the other couch. He eats his pancakes while we watch Spongebob for another half hour or so. "So do you guys want to do something today or just hang out here?" Ethan asks. "I don't mind" I say "how are you feeling Liam?" "I'm doing pretty well actually. Can I go hang out with Aidan today?" Aidan has been his best friend since 5th grade, when he moved here from Florida. "Sure, as long as his parents are there" I say. "Okay, I'll go call him" he says and leaves the room. "So what are we gonna do today?" Ethan asks. "I don't mind. I'm pretty comfy though.. How about a Disney marathon?" "Sounds good to me" he says and smiles. God, I love that smile. I feel a weird urge to kiss him...What is going on with me? I'm probably just sleep deprived. Then Liam enters the room again. "Both his parents are home. He said I can come over now". "Alright, have fun! Be home for dinner though." I say. "Yes mother" he says as he rolls his eyes. I chuckle.

"So, what do you want to watch first?" Ethan asks, playing with my hair. "Hm... I feel like Pocohontas, what about you?" "Sounds good to me" he says he gets up to put the dvd in. "Eth?" I say "Yeah?" "Can I borrow some of your clothes? These are kind of uncomfortable and I don't have any other clothes with me" I say. I'm wearing jeans and T-shirt, I was way too tired to change into comfy clothes last night. "Sure!" He says. "You can pick something, I'll get the movie ready in the meantime". "You're the best" I say and I jokingly kiss him on the cheek. He starts blushing. Oops. That was kind of weird. "I know" he says quickly and smiles. Then I go up to his room. I pick my favorite hoodie of his, it's light gray and really, really warm. I know this because a wear his hoodies a lot.
Then I grab a pair of his sweatpants and get changed. I walk downstairs and into the living room. Ethan is laying on the couch. He looks up and just stares at me. "What?" I ask, pulling a confused face. "O-oh..nothing" he stutters "you can keep that hoodie though, it's to small for me anyway". "You sure?" I ask. "Yeah I'm sure. Now can we cuddle again? I'm cold" he says, pouting. I roll my eyes. "Okay then" I say as a lay down on the couch and rest my head on his chest. I can feel his heart beating fast, but then slowing down.
Ethan grabs the remote and presses play. Then he starts playing with my hair again. He knows I love that.
After Pocohontas we watch Bambi, and then Beauty and the Beast.
By the time Beauty and the Beast ends I'm very sleepy. "I think I'm gonna take a nap" I say, as I start to get up. He pulls me back. "You can take a nap here" he says "I mean we're pretty cozy here anyway". That's the response I was hoping for. I love cuddling with Ethan more than anything. No, not in a romantic way. It's just so cozy. "Okay then" I say, pretending not to care too much. I cozy up to him again, resting my head on his chest. Then he wraps his arm around my waist and I feel butterflies. Seriously, what the hell is going on with me. Ethan is just trying to comfort me, like any friend would do in this situation. Those are my last thoughts before I doze off to sleep.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I changed it into an Ethan Dolan fanfic, I realised Ethan fit better than Shawn, hope you don't mind.

Also, THANK YOU FOR 45 READS! I can't believe it! I thought I would get about 10 or so!!!! As a thank you I made this chapter extra long, enjoy :) Please comment your suggestions/opinions or tips, and also comment some ideas for the title! This one is temporary.

Hope you like it so far!

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