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(The guy on the left is the lad at the party, let's take a moment o appreciate his hair. It's literally twice as long as mine he was blessed whoever he is. He's also a gOD)

It had been two whole days since I went to that Catfish and the Bottlemen gig with Evie. It was Monday, a boring old Monday and all I could think about was Nick. I wondered what he was doing, how he was coping. Maybe he was doing fine, maybe he didn't need me. One thing I hadn't done since being in London was turn my phone on. I was normally one to be glued to my phone, but I hadn't been on it since the day I left. I looked to the right, my eye caught hold of the my battered phone which was once scratch-free. I remember getting it off Nick for my birthday, it was the best present I've ever had. The phone also reminded me of a few bad memories that I shared with Nick. The one which stuck most clearly out of my mind was when my old friend Luke from college messaged me. It made Nick jealous, that was one of the first times I saw Nick get angry. He was the reason for my battered phone, he grabbed it and smashed it off the floor. He thought I was a liar when I said Luke was only a friend.

I rubbed my temples, trying to get rid of the awful memories that clouded my mind. I reached over for my phone and switched the power button on. I didn't know whether this was a good idea or not. I settled my phone on the other pillow as it turned on. After a few seconds, a few messages popped up on the screen. I sighed as I grabbed my phone, looking at the screen. I had five missed calls and two texts from Nick. The first one was from Saturday and the second was from early this morning.

From Nick

Where the fuck are you Ava? I wish you would stop ignoring my texts you're so childish

From Nick

I've done so much for you and this is how you repay me, I'm glad you've gone.

That was it. That's all I needed. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I read over the messages. I wasn't crying because I was sad, I was crying because I was angry. He's done so much for me? That's the biggest load of bullshit I've heard in my life. He did nothing for me. He made me feel so small and so insecure about myself. What did I even see in him. I should have saw past his deep blue eyes. His eyes weren't Mediterranean oceans, they were rough seas filled with flesh eating sharks.

I needed to stop thinking about him. The thought of him ate away at my skin. I wiped away tears which had poured onto the screen, I then deleted his number and all the messages he'd sent me. I didn't need reminders of him on my phone. I threw my phone to the left of me as I wiped my remaining tears.


I jumped slightly as I heard a faint knock on my door. I quickly darted from my bed and opened the door, already knowing it was Evie. Who else would it be? I opened the door to a very cheerful Evie, who was stood with a huge smile on her face.

'Well someone looks happy', I laughed as she walked through the door.

'The lads want us to hang out with them again', she spoke causing my smile to drop. I couldn't see Van, he makes me think about Nick and I could do without that handsome jerk keep running around my head. 'What's up Ava?' she asked, I could sense the concern in her voice.

'I don't really feel that good', I lied, I felt absolutely fine.

'Don't use that as an excuse, I can see right through you Ava' she sighed, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

I looked down at my lap, not sure of what to say. I fiddled with my fingers as I sighed.

'Has this got something to do with Nick?' She asked sympathetically as she rubbed circles into my leg.

Escapism ~ Van McCannWhere stories live. Discover now