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Halei's POV:

The concert was finally over. The only reason I was happy that it ended was so that I could meet the one & only, love of my life, fiancé (i wish), Niall Horan. I could belive I was about to meet him. I started hyper venalting.

"Are you ok?" Dijan ask worried.

"Yeah...i'" I asked still out of breath.

Just then i bumped in to someone.

"Hey watch where you'r..."

I couldn't finish because right in front of me was Niall Horan. I couldn't believe it.

"Sorry Princess." He said to me and winked.

"It's...It's ok it was my fault i wasn't paying attention to where i was going."

Omg did Niall just call me PRINCESS & WINK AT ME!!! OMG! This boy really know how to make a girl fall head over heels for him. I look next to me and see Austin & Dijana hitting it off.

"We should all hang out some time." Austin said to Dijana.

"Yeah..Yeah totally." Dijana said to him starstruck.

"How about me and you hang out to?" Niall asked.

If i learned one thing it was to never say no to Niall Horan. Well, depending on the cirrcumstances.

"Totally." I say.

"Ok," Niall says "I'll text you the dets."

I write down my number and give it to Niall. Dijana does the same to Austin. We leave Niall, Austin, Dijana, & I biting our lips looking back at each other. When we feel like we lost them we jump up and down squealing like 5 year olds. (Oh like you wouldn't)

Niall's POV:

Wow that girl was special. I have never met a girl like her. She was pretty, perfect hight. But, most of all she stole my heart i was in love with that girl.

"Do you think i should ask her out?" I asked austin.

"Probably not now," he said "you barley know her. You shouldn't rush right into a relationship."

"You'r right," i said "tomorrow if everything goes well i will make her my princess."

Dijana's POV:

"Dude he was totally into you!" I say ver happily.

"I doubt it," Halei says "remember how i feel head over heels for simms (his names zac simms) but he didn't like me like that and he loved melissa an other girls an i was crushed and couldn't move on for like a month?"

I rolled my eyes.

"How could i forget you talked about him everyday." I replied.

"I just don't wanna get my hopes up for Niall." She said.

I understood. Trust me when you hang out with a girl like her you understand alot.

"Speaking of liking what's going on with you and Austin?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"What do you mean what do i mean you two were totally hitting it off." She said.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and laughed as we drove home.

*1 hour later*

Halei's POV:

Niall: Hey so i thought we could do a picnic on the beach.

Me: sounds nice

Niall: be sure to bring your friend because austin's coming too.

Me: ok when are we going

Niall: Friday.

Me: ok see you then

Niall: Bye princess! Luv u!! ;) <3 ;*

Woah niall just called me princess again, said he loved me and gave me a winky face, kissy face, and heart what do i do?

Me: bi ;) ;* <3 see you at 6

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