Chapter 7 - Preperations and Devastations.

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Your P.O.V.

I had been unwillingly pulled out of bed by Sean who proceeded to throw me into the bathroom with a change of clothes. I undressed and hopped into the shower, washing myself then getting out and dressing in the clothes Sean gave me.
"Wooow, really?" I asked him, laughing as I caught sight of my shirt in the mirror. It was a 'Jacksepticeye' shirt, and Sean blushed.
"I didn't m-mean to, I... Erm, just grabbed one an-" he stuttered, looking anywhere but at me. I burst out laughing at his guilty expression, and when he realised I didn't actually care he cheered up - blushing again when I grabbed his hand to pull him out of the door.
"Hey Sean! Bring your butt over here!" Mark screamed from down the corridor, smiling down at me as we walked towards him. "Took you long enough, we need to set up our stand so Wade, you and me need to find Bob and Tyler. Molly's going to spend the day with Mandy and (Y/N), unless you want to stay with us?" He informed us, directing his last question to me.
"Erm, I'd like to get to know the girls... But I'd prefer to stick with Sean for now." I watched as Molly smiled to show me it was ok, returning it with my own grin.
I walked with Wade, Molly, Sean and Mark to the elevator where Mark and Sean fought over who would press the button. To stop the argument, Wade reached over and pressed it instead.
"Waaaaade." Mark yelled, the sound echoing in the small room. Soon, there was a 'ping' that rang in our ears, signalling that the doors were soon to open.
We walked out of the hotel, got in the car and drove up to what appeared to be another hotel with two people stood outside. The male looked familiar, maybe I've seen him recording with Sean before? Wade pulled up to the curb and Molly jumped out, running over and hugging the other lady.
"So I take it Mandy and Molly are going to look around the shops or something here?" The large man asked, leaning through the passenger side window.
"Yep, (Y/N) is staying with us." Wade turned and gestured to me. I waved as a greeting and he gave me a childish grin in return. He opened the door and got in the passenger seat, twisting his body to face me again.
"Bob," He pointed a thumb at his chest, "You must be (Y/N), right?" He questioned, even though it was obvious that I was the person in question.
"No Bob, I'm (Y/N)" Mark stated, moving his body so he was leaning towards Bob, putting a hand on my knee to stabilise himself. Sean turned with a grin on his face, ready to involve himself in the conversation until he looked down, turning back to face the window without the happiness shining on his face. I was about to question him on what was upsetting him but Bob was talking to me and I didn't want to ignore him, especially as we had just met. Mark and Bob kept me pulled into their conversation, with Wade inputting a brief comment occasionally.
"But (Y/N), don't you think I have the best shirt?" They said in unison as I laughed at their petty argument of who's shirt looked manliest.
"I think we need to get a parking space." Wade stated, pulling over into a slot nearby the convention centre. I gazed in awe at the huge building, struck with giddiness at the thought of exploring inside. Bob grabbed my elbow, pulling me out of my trance, and into the ginormous building.
When we got through the crowds I realised we were in a room with a stage covered in boxes and tables, with a lot of chairs facing the stage. I followed the guys up to the stage and they each grabbed a box to lift onto the tables and began pulling out microphones and papers, placing them in specific places on the table. I looked at Sean who gave me a mic and told me to set it up where I wanted to sit, so I placed it next to his and noticed the chair next to mine hadn't been claimed. I ignored this and went back to helping with the rest of the boxes.
After the tables were set up and ready for the event tomorrow, we went to look at the stands set up outside.
"Sean, look, look!" I called, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him to the *favourite merch store*'s stand. "I didn't know they'd be here!" I yelled, looking at all the cool clothing and plushies they were laying out.
"Yeah, merch stores come here because most gamers like gaming clothes." He explained, pointing at an array of Tshirts with various video game characters on. I picked up one of the really cute plushies and admired it, it was adorable and really well made. Well, it seemed adorable until I looked at the price tag. I sighed and returned the soft toy back to it's home on the shelf. I turned to go back to Sean but couldn't see him, I walked away from the stand and tried to search for him.
"Sean? Sean?" No answer. People looked at me confused and I asked if they had seen 'Jacksepticeye' most of them just shook their heads and a few asked who he was. I began to panic and my walk soon turned into a fast jog. I bolted around a corner, my head colliding with a muscled shoulder.
"Ouch, shit - sorry." I sputtered, raising a hand to my forehead to check for any sore skin. My eyes met those of the individual I had bumped into and they recognised me.
"(Y/N)! We've been looking for you, you haven't answered your phone! Sean gave us your number but it was going to voicemail." You felt really stupid that you hadn't thought of using your phone, reaching into your hoodie pocket you found the small communication device to have 18 missed calls, 6 from Sean and 12 from three other numbers that weren't saved into your phone. "Sean said he was talking to a fan just outside a stand you were looking at, then turned and saw you walking off but lost you in the crowd. Come on, let's go back." He lightly scolded you before pulling your wrist and guiding you to a different room with 3 sofas, a fridge and a counter that had an oven built in and jars of sweets on the side.
"What's this room?" You asked, having not realised there were rooms like this here.
"When you book a large room like ours, with the stage, you get a break room too." Wade stated, sitting back on one of the sofas next to Molly and Mandy, Bob joining the other end of that sofa after getting a drink from the fridge.
There was a new male laid on the second sofa with his back to us and a hoodie thrown over him. I threw a questioning glance to Sean, which Mark noticed and pointed at the man.
"Tyler, he's a good friend of mine and I invited him to come hang here with us, jet lag caught up to him though." He gently placed a hand on his shoulder while talking, making 'Tyler' stir and roll over, eyes open.
"You wanted to be woken up when we were all here, right?" Mark asked with a laugh, glancing back to you before sitting on the empty sofa.
"Oh, hi... I'm Tyler. I've been watching your channel for a while, only recently found out you knew Mark." He babbled, scratching the back of his neck before shaking your hand and sitting back down quietly.
"I'm booooored already," Wade whined "Can we do something?" He requested.
"YES! Games!" Sean yelled like a giddy toddler. Everyone groaned at the suggestion.
"We'll be playing games for a bit on the panel, now too?" Bob complained.
"No, not video games. Just group games like truth or dare." Sean's eyes glittered as he vouched for the game while others shook their heads.
"Are we 10?" Tyler joked, leaning back into the chair again.
"I am, but never have I ever is better." Mark replied, pushing a table out of the way and pointing to the circular rug on the floor. "Gather around, we're playing." I grabbed the jar of sweets from the side and some bowls from the cupboard, joining Sean on the floor. Mark sat to my left and the others reluctantly slid to the floor.
"Here you go," I said to each person, handing a bowl with sweets separated into it around the people in the circle. "And there's mine." I pulled the last bowl in front of my feet before getting up and putting the - now almost empty - jar back on the countertop.
"Who wants to go first?"

Hi guys, so so so sorry but things have been tough lately, I promise I am writing in every spare second but I keep being unhappy with what I write and delete it to start again. But, new chapter!
And I will see you guys, in the next chapter. Buh bye!

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