What Heavy Weight

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I love you

three simple words to say

were that they only words

with no heavy meaning

yet some,

still drop them from their lips

not like the precious diamonds that they are

but as simple fair

a farewell

a greeting

I am of the mind 

that these precious syllables should be spirited away

found a home

where they will be treasured

I am of the mind

that were there someone I would say these words to

I would not lock them up

I would not hide them away

but I would not treat them as thoroughfare 

but rather as my heart

a little piece

given away every time.

I would look upon the world

and see my heart

spread out like dust among the wind

traveling to the far corners of the earth

where love is given and taken at enormous speeds.

Were there someone who would take my heart

Were there someone who would listen to my words

Were there someone who would in return

give my their heart

and let me here their words.

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