(So this doesn't get confusing, when I write Stan's pov, it's actually means Stan. Not Stan in kennys body, the same with kenny)
Kenny's pov
I yawn as I sit up in bed. I look around my room, wait... Since when did my room have a real closet? And not some broken door. I jump up looking around. Its clean in here.. This isn't my house! I run up to the window an look out of it, just to be sure.
I see Kyle's house next door and across is cartmans. This is Stan's house.. Why am I in Stan's house?!
Karens probably so worried! I run a hand through my hair but stop halfway. My hair isn't this short... I looking down and I don't see my skinny body, I see a slightly muscled one.
"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself, only to hear Stan's voice and not mine.
"Stan honey! It's time to get up!" I hear mrs marsh shout. I'm not Stan. I run into the bathroom and turn the light on, looking in the mirror. I then scream.
I hear footsteps and I knock at the door. "Stan!? Are you okay?!"
"Yeah.." I shout back
I look in the mirror again, sapphire blue eyes and short messy black hair. Why am I Stan? I can't be Stan! What about Karen? And Kyle?
It's that stupid gypsy! She must have swapped our bodies! She said I shouldn't take Kyle for granted, because he can be gone just like the Click of a finger.
That can't mean that Stan's me, if Stan is me that means.. Oh my god! Ive got to get to Kyle!
I quickly pull on some clothes and shoes and look at the time. 8:40. Kyle if usually the first at the bus stop followed by cartman then me and finally Stan.
I quickly run out of the house ignoring Stan parents and grabbing his bag. When I get to there I look wide eyes at the scene. Stan has my boyfriend in his arms, and is dip kissing him. My boyfriend!
I growl angreily charging over there, I pull Stan off of my Kyle and stand in front of him.
"Leave my boyfriend alone Stan!" I shout at him. Cartman looks up from his phone and decides to watch this unfold.
"What? Dude I know you get boners for Kyle, but seriously what are you doing?" I ignore Stan and turn to Kyle placing my hands on his shoulders.
"Kyle, I'm kenny!" I say too him, he looks at me like I'm crazy.
"Stan, what is up with you today?" He asks shrugging my arms off of him and walking over to Stan.
This is going to piss me the fuck off!!
*jazz hands* drammaaaaa!!

Body Swap (COMPLETED)(South park) {StanxKyle/KennyxKyle}
FanfictionIt's been three months since Kenny and Kyle became official. It's been three years since Stan started having romantic feelings for Kyle. Stan always wanted to confess, but never worked up the needed courage. Now Kyle's taken, and he radiates happine...