Chapter 6: Trouble

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Stan's pov

I wake up and thankfully I'm in kennys room, I look down and sigh in relief. I'm still kenny. I get up and stretch pulling on kennys parker and some ripped jeans. Kenny really doesn't have many clothes. I don't really see what Kyle sees in him.

I walk out of the room and his little sister Karen charges at me hugging my legs. There's a trickle of blood on the side of her head. My eyes widen and I push her into kennys room and close the door.

"Lock it." I tell her. She squeaks and I hear the door lock.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU HURT HER?!" I hear a voice I don't recognise shout.

"She deserved it." Kennys dad slurs "little bitch asking me why I'm cheating on your mother, SHE SHOULD KEEP HER NOSE OUT OF-" a loud smash sounds out and a thud.



"It's okay Kevin, FUCK YOU STUART!!" There another thud and I shakily walk into the living room.

"Are you alright? Who hit Karen?!" I ask

"THIS MOTHER FUCKER!" Kenny's mum shouts kicking her husband.

The boy I don't know looks at me. "Take Karen to the hospital, I'm getting mum to Sheila's" I nod walking to my door and knocking

"Karen?" I ask. I feel bad for kenny. He has to go through this nearly everyday. The door opens and I take her hand feeling responsible for her. My sister was never there for me, so I'll be here for Kenny's.


Kyles pov

I bite my lip, it's already period two and kenny hasn't come in. He doesn't get sick, he never misses school. He really wants to get his grades up so he can get a good job.

I tap Stan on the back, he turns around.

"Have you seen kenny?" I whisper. He shakes his head.

"STAN! KYLE! BE QUIET!" I I slouch in my chair. Were supposed to be silent reading, but I can't get into the ending of the maze runner when kenny is the only thought on my brain.

What if his parents hurt him? Oh god, I'm scaring myself! He'll be fine. I'm sure he is. he would've texted if he was Ill though.

I pick up my book and try to finish it. I do but I feel like the ending didn't effect me because I kenny on my mind!

I put the book into my bag. And bite my lip. I fidget in my chair and then the intercom sounds out.

"Kyle broflovski to the principles office, mkay"

I get up, grabbing my back and walking shakily to the office. When I get there I enter and see my mum. Principle Victoria looks at me.

"Kyle, your not in trouble. Your mother had come to take you home. It's important." I nod following my mum out of the office and into the car.

"Ma, what's wrong? Is it ike? Or dad?" She shakes her head

"No, it's kenny and his family."


Sorry it's been so long, I know how I'm going to end it. I'm going to do three endings, but the one I wanted I will tell you all after I write it


Body Swap (COMPLETED)(South park) {StanxKyle/KennyxKyle}Where stories live. Discover now