Chapter 3

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I sighed and plopped on the couch with Mrs. James, feeling triumphant. We had managed to fix the tv cable all without Dustin's help. Of course that meant month old dead bugs and books were scattered across the living room floor as we scoured around for the tv manual. Eventually we had found it, but not anywhere near the bookshelf. In fact, it had been collecting dust elsewhere- the kitchen counter.

Just then, Dustin walked in. He was just about to greet us when he saw the mess. His questioning looks were enough of a hint. He didn't even have to ask.

"The tv sort of broke while you were at work so we decided to fix it!" I stated proudly.

He frowned slightly. "Let me take a look."

We let him survey the cables. It wasn't even a minute before he burst out laughing.

I scowled. "What?!"

"The red and white are switched. You should be glad you didn't set the house on fire while doing this. Didn't you notice the color codes?" He asked, ripping out the cords and showing us.

I felt like the most retarted person in the world. I would have found a smart retort, if it hadn't have been for my stomach. I let out a cry and clutched my rounded belly, almost toppling over if Dustin wouldn't have caught me.

"Whoa are you okay there Crystal?"

Then something popped. I felt like my insides were gushing out. I almost vomited.

"Oh my god. I- I think my water broke."

Dustin's eyes widened. "No shit!"

Mrs. James whacked him with a rolled up newspaper. "Well don't just stand there! We have to get her to the hospital! Go shoo!"

"ER here we come!" Dustin called.


Dustin admits while Crystal is in labor he was always jealous of his brother.

"I was jealous. He was always better. Everyone dawned over him. He had the good grades. He had the friends. He had you."

**thats a great idea!! Let me know if this is good**


When we had gotten there we were immediately rushed to a room. The nurses immediately turned their attention on Crystal. As she had been rushed in and one of the nurses turned to me.

"Are you the father?" She asked.

I froze. "No, just a friend."

"Do you have an uneasy stomach?" She asked.


"Then come on. She's gonna need some support."

I rushed inside, hurrying to her side. Crystal gave out a cry, not noticing me immediately. I slipped my hand into hers, unsure of what to do. She looked up at me, pain written on her face. Seeing her like this pained me as well, but I knew I had to be strong for her. If I couldn't be, who else was there to be strong for her? Justin immediately popped into my head. He would have been so much better than this. He would have been so much better than me.

"It's gonna be okay." I said reassuringly.

She gave a short smile. Then she pain came back and she began to whimper.

"Deep calm breaths, in and out." The doctor directed.

Crystal did as she was told. I sat there, my hand turning red as her nails dug into it, but to tell the truth, I didn't mind.

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