Epilouge: Quayle

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"Give them back!" I snapped at my you get sister who happened to be holding my only pair of headphones captive in her bedroom. I pounded on her glass bedroom door, I could see her through the crystal clear glass. Holding my brand new, super expensive white headphones. They were made to look like the part that goes over your ear has made of diamond. They were awesome. I wouldn't trust my 9 year old sister with a plastic spoon, let alone my 250 dollar headphones.
"Nope!" She said, popping the P "Dad is always complaining about you listening to that horrible noise too much, an I'm getting sick of it too, I can hear it through the walls at night"
Nobody insults my music taste
"It's called 'screamo' Annabeth, and it's not noise!" My sister rolled her large green eyes and let my headphones drop out of her hand. My headphones were now plummeting to their deaths. I lurched forward, forgetting there was a locked, glass door in front of me. I slammed against the door, but not before my sister caught my headphones last second. She began laughing so hard her face had turned bright red and she had begun to tear up.
"Smooth big bro" she managed to get out through her cackling.
"Give me my headphones back, and I suggest you do it quickly before I decide to break this door and strangle you to death you little Bit-" my sentence was cut off by my father screaming at me.
"Quayle! Get your sorry ass downstairs now! Annabeth, sweetie, Give them back before he does anything to you, we can't have our precious little girl dying, especially not by the hands of your asshole of a brother" he finished. I sneered at my sister before she pressed a button on her touchpad and the door slid open and disappeared into the wall.
She tossed my the headphones and I fumbled them around for a second before putting them around my neck for safe keeping.
I walked downstairs to see my parents sitting at the table, eating. As soon as I reached the last step, they both turned to me.
"You do realize it's testing day today, right?" My mother said in her usual snarky attitude.
"Yes...and? What's your point?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.
"You can't possibly be wearing THAT, it's absolutely hideous!" That's my mother for ya, gotta love that Candor honesty.
"I think I look rather sexy today" I told her as I began serving myself. This morning I was wearing black skinny jeans, a white, long sleeved shirt with a skeletal ribcage and arms on it. I was also wearing black and white flannel vest, I had even straightened my hair today, and decided to wear my nerd glasses that show off my boring brown eyes instead of my blue contact lenses. And my headphones just added to the effect.
"Horrendous! I didn't raise my son to look as if he had just been initiated as a dauntless, I raised a truthful Candor boy" My mother said. I rolled my eyes. Dauntless... I would give anything to be Dauntless.
"You want truth? Fine, you both have horrible parenting skills, your cooking is disgusting 99.9% of the time you are sexist, stuck-up fricking idiots!"
My mother laughed.
"It's good to see you're finally being honest. Whether it be insulting or not" she said with a smile. Her dark brown hair was tightly pulled into a messy ponytail and her greyish-blue eyes were still glazed over with tiredness. She was also still in her white housecoat.
"Bitch..." I muttered under my breath. How dare she say anything about my style when she has barely done any work on herself today. I thought.
My father and sister had ignored me ever since I got downstairs. Her sister was also a bitch, with her messy, dark brown french braided hair, you could almost see the horns jutting out from just behind her hairline. Don't even get me started my dad. My dad had this weird military buzz cut hair do, he has eyes the colour of slime.
There was total silence as my family ate breakfast. French toast with icing sugar(my favourite), bacon and hash browns.

My family had simply dropped me off at the doors where I lined up with the other Candor for further instructions.
My friend Andy ha been waiting for me, the moment he had seen me he started flailing his arms around to get my attention. He got out of his spot in line and walked over to me, at the very end of the line.
"So? You exited? Where do you think you'll be going, cuz I know for a fact that you won't choose Candor even if that is your result" Andy said in his usual pitchy, happy way. He was wearing why most Candor normally wear. Boring.
"When did you become an Erudite?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and recoiled.
"Erudite?! Gross! Never would I EVER choose to become a piece of Erudite trash" he screeched. Not a smart idea a we were standing right next to the Erudite entrance.
Over Andy's shoulder I watched a group of Erudite teens turn to us.
"You got something against the faction that made life sustainable here?" One guy asked. We both nodded violently, smug grin plastered on both our faces.
The guy's face turned bright red and he pulled his fist back. Andy and I ducked just in time to avoid the blow.
"Hunter, stop!" I heard a girl's voice yell. The entire group turned, including the dude who tried to knock us out, who I assume is who the girl was talking to.
"That's enough!" She said as she pushed through the crowd. She had grey eyes and sandy blonde hair. She was wearing a light blue dress that cut off around mid-thigh, she also had a light brown leather belt around her waist.
The guy turned back to us and shot us a glare last minuet before going back to his group. Shortly after, the girl came over.
"Sorry 'bout him, he's my twin brother, he's kind of an idiot..." She paused then leaned closer "either way, I totally agree with you" she whispered before walking away. I looked over at Andy who was gaping at the girl. I waved my hand in front of his face to snap him out of his daze. Then he spoke.
"I think we just got our asses saved by a chick..."
I chuckled.
"And I think you were just staring at an Erudite girl" I said, turning to him with a smug grin before he punched my shoulder.

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