Chapter Three.

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Lynn's POV

Sapphire is crying, and we're all surprised as hell. We all knew she was AMAZING at bass, but I don't think any of us were expecting for her to get the part.

"When do you meet them?" I ask her.

She looks at her phone for a minute and starts typing. I hear her text tone, and she smiles with tears in her eyes.

"Tomorrow. They want to meet at my apartment, because that would be the easiest, and they're coming at 3." She says, and then starts crying.

I hug her again, and then I start thinking.

"Hey, we should get you ready for tomorrow. By that, i mean we need to clean this place up. It's a mess." I say laughing.

She looks around, and then we all start picking things up. I grab all of her clothes and bring them into her room. I put her shorts in her bottom drawer, I hang her shirts up in her closet, and I told her jeans putting them in the drawer above her shorts. I fold her socks, and put everything else in their places. I walk out of her room, shutting the door. We wash the dishes, put everything away, vacuum, and do some other cleaning things.

"We have to keep you out of this apartment so you don't ruin it." Caleb says.

"Yeah." We all agree.

We go to my apartment and then all watch the Harry Potter series. By the time we finish them all, it's past 3 A.M.

"Woah, we should sleep. I'll set an alarm for 1, okay?" I ask them all, specifically Sapphire.

"Why that early?!?!" Jacob asks, really worried.

"She's meeting Set It Off!! She's gotta look good!" I practically scream. Everyone laughs and we all get ready to sleep. Jaleb goes back to their apartment, I get into my bed, Sapphire goes into the guest room, and Xavier climbs into my bed and we all go to sleep.

*the next morning*

Sapphires POV

I wake up to an alarm, or more specifically Cody Carson's voice singing The Haunting. I get up, and I find Lynn and Xavier in the kitchen making breakfast. I grab some bacon, and then proceed to go to my apartment. Lynn follows me, and I open my door and walk to my room. I find a pair of back skinny jeans already picked out, with a Defend Pop Punk tank top next to it. I put them both on, and then start putting on makeup. (Picture of outfit in sidebar)

It's 2:30 now, so I sit on my couch and watch Adventure Time. Everyone slowly makes their way over to my apartment, and we all watch it. I hear a knock, and I freeze.

"Sapphire?" I hear a voice ask.

"Y-yes?" I say, and then get up.

"It's Zach Dewall, and the rest of us, we wanna talk to you." He says.

Everyone looks at me and motions for me to answer the door. I get up and open it, revealing a smiling Cody, Danny, and Zach. I smile, welcoming them.

"Come in!" I say to them. They walk in, and I shut the door behind them.

"These are my friends, that's Lynn, Xavier, Jacob, and Caleb." I say pointing to each of them. They all say hi, and then get up and go into the back room.

"So, are you excited to join us on tour?" Cody asks.

I smile, and say yes. I ask a few questions about the tour.

"When does the tour start?" I ask.

"Well, here's the thing. We leave Wednesday.." Danny says.

I get a surprised look on my face, and then nod slowly. It's Saturday. Wednesday.... Oh..

"Have you ever been to Warped Tour?" Zach asks.

"Yes!! I've gone every year since I was 12, and I competed in battle of the bands before, with the guys in the back room. We had a band in high school, but we broke that up a couple years ago." I say.

"Woah!! That's awesome!! What was your bands name?" Danny asks.

"We were called a lot of things, but mostly we were 'Off The Wall'. " I say.

We talk for a little bit longer and then start to say goodbyes. We all exchange numbers, and then they leave. I walk to the back room and open the door, and they all fall. I expected this, and I laugh really hard.

"You're leaving Wednesday?!" Jacob asks sadly.

"Yeah... I don't want to, but if I want to go on tour I have to. I'm sorry guys.."

"We'll be okay. We're not leaving each other's side until you leave, okay?"

"Okay." I say.

And we didn't.

August 15, 2015. 795 words.

Till' Death Do Us Part. (Maxx Danziger/Set it off story) ((SLOW UPDATES))Where stories live. Discover now