Chapter 1: Gazed

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Heather's POV

"Heather! wake up. You're gonna be late for school." I sat up straight immediately, stared at random thing and after 5 seconds yawned.

This is so exhausting.

That was mom again being my alarm clock until now. I don't know what happened to my alarm clock but I think I never heard it ring. Maybe it also slept comfortably. She is banging at my door mercilessly cause if she don't id still be asleep.

"Mom, can I have another 5 minutes?" I shouted sleepily

"As long as you wanna have your first bad record for being late then you can have it" mom shouted knocking my door again.

"Fine fine. gonna be there" what else can I do?

I know I should be independent by now like waking up early all by myself because I am already 16 years of age. But whenever I try to, its just too impossible to learn on waking up from a very cozy sleep. Some help, anyone?

Today's gonna be my first day on this new school (thanks to dad and his work and we've got to move ). I've got to make new adjustments, got to know new people and adopt the environment.

I am so not used to meeting new people well in fact I sucked on it. Very sucky. I don't know what's wrong with me but I am not that perfectly socially healthy. I'm not even approachable so how could I meet new friends? I never start a conversation with a stranger. I am never that confident.

Ahhh! those strong sun rays always make my eyes uncomfortable. Whenever some light touches my eyes it always felt so stingy. I immediately run to the curtains and shut them off.

I faced my new mirror again facing this beautiful blonde with big round eyes. Some says my eyes were kinda wierd cause they are so freakingly big like the extraordinary. Some says it's so cute, like really? Some things are really confusing. I always get this complement that I look so innocent but at the same time creepy. Hey, so muck with dilemmas.

I took up shower for almost have an hour (including the concerts I made inside). After drying myself I grabbed whatever clothe I see and where them.

I tied my hair in a ponytail which is I always do and went down to eat.

When I saw the table my heart danced with joy. Mom just cooked my favorite breakfast which she always does when the day is special.

I immediately filled my stomach up not caring if I get late or not. What? its food people. I SO DAMN LOVE FOOD. This girl surely has a huge appetite.

I drained my glass of milk as fast as a sinkhole and got my bag ready.

"Take care honey. Do good and I know you'll make lots of friends" she told me while holding my shoulders.

"Thanks mom" and i kissed her.

If you see my Mom you will never know here. Mostly, people would make a mistake and ask if she is my sister. Oh I just wanna be like her. Young as ever.

"Dad gotta go."

"Bye my baby doll. Goodluck on this"

putting down his newspaper at the dining table for me kiss his cheeks.

My Dad is a kind of guy who doesn't talk too much yet when he speaks you're like listening to someone mystical. He's like big brother.

Before leaving I cuddled with my cute little German Shepherd. Yeah he's not little but I always think him as my baby. He was always with me since I was 10. Boss doesn't follow anyone's command except for mine even my parents. He doesn't bark nor licks and that is one reason why I love him. I love him like my own brother since I don't have one.

I waited at the bus stop cause I don't drive yet and mom can't give me a ride since she's too busy and hello? learning to grow up.

This town seems so creepy to me like I feel there's something wrong. since there are lots of trees out there and you know what old people say bout too many trees. Though they are also lots of stores, boutiques, restaurants and etc but still these freakishly tall and very ancient towers of nature outnumbered them. Darkwoods Town, see? from the name itself. Scary!

I notice that across the street was an old fashioned house was standing awkwardly. Different from all the modern looking houses with those beautiful flowers and whatever with happy families and a peaceful surrounding.

This house was peaceful yet haunting. It was rotting because of age. A house that doesn't give you that inviting look. While I was observing it I saw a broken window where its torn curtains were slightly moved because someone was peering through it.

Not just peering through it but it was exactly watching at me. Not just watching but staring with those furious eyes.

Nobody occupied it cause the doors were blocked with nailed woods and a for sale sign was there which looks like has been standing there for centuries. Trees were surrounding it.

This house doesn't really belong in these area. I'm not mentioning about this house being in Darkwoods, the town's name and this house is exactly a perfect fit. What I mean is all the houses here are going with the flow as years go by but this house doesn't seem to be updated. A little bit of a brother to a castle.

A creepy rusted metal fence with crawling plant in front of it.When I watched it clearly I swore there was a kid looking straight through the window staring at me. I never noticed that a dog was there until it barked at the window. It was barking feverishly at the kid in the window. I'm pretty sure the boy doesn't own it, dogs being loyal.

He is crying, wearing a white polo shirt but turning brown because maybe of dirt? He slowly touched the glass window with those dirty hands while sliding them downwards. He does it again and again until he was smacking again and again at the window. He was smacking it without emotions. Cracks were slowly forming at the window and it was growing and he stopped .

Another window upstairs was flicking with light.I swore to God goosebumps were on my arms. He never moved his gaze from me (please hurry Mr. school bus. I'm begging)

While I was watching the kid as he slowly move till he was gone, a hand suddenly touched my arms. A trembling old skinned hand was

gripping my arm. I jerked immediately and saw an old hooded woman carrying a basket.

"Good day Young beautiful lady, how's life?" she asked me like we were longtime friends.

"F-fine. What do you need miss?" I answered slowly moving backwards, trying to be polite. Things here are really getting scary. First the kid now her?

She pulled back her hood and I saw her face. It really raised my hair behind my neck. Pure white eyes without pupils which I swear was staring directly at me. Disgusting yellow teeth and gosh an extremely long cotton white hair.

"Life is short young lady, but some are shorter"

"W-what do you mean by that?" what does she mean by that?

"Good day, what you've been waiting for is here" I saw the bus coming but I'm too curious to care about it.

"Wait! you were saying?"and she walked away before I had the chance to say that. Walked away? With those pure white eyes? The heck? Those eyes could see.

I immediately got in the bus to tally freaked out. interesting yet wierd for a first day.

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