Black Apple

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June 4 9:30 am.
Red Falls is not a normal school it is like hell on Earth... As I walk down the crowded hallways I see the usual commotion. Teachers half- effortly telling the seniors to stop spray painting the lockers. Janitors complaining about there own life choices as they sweep uncompleted assignments off the moldy and wet floors. Freshman smoking in abandoned classrooms. I reach my homeroom class according to the clock I am on time in my book as 10 minutes late. Mr. Tate is handing back last week's test I see my grade...
Paris Henderson- F
See me after class AGAIN.
I know I am going to get "your a smart girl" speech. He is going to say I could still have a future. Well I do not have one at all because scholarships only go to people at Mayfield . Some of us have been her for six years straight bexause colleges wont except us. When I reach his desk I am greeted with a letter with a red stamp...uh oh red stamps mean serious buisness.
"wait no speech" I said
"not this time...sorry Paris show that to your parents later please" said Mr. Tate
"ok...I guess" I said quite nervously
As I looked at the letter I could see what looked like a black apple on the flap...
What the....?????

Sorry this is so short...chapter 3 will be longer.

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