Chapter 24. Courtney.

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"Ahh!!" I hear a very high pitch scream. I open my eyes trying to adjust to the light. "Ah! Get away from me!" I hear. I groan and sit up. I see Ross on a chair with my hair brush and a shoe. He lets out another scream. "For goodness sake Ross, shut up!" I growl. He looks at me with terrified eyes. "Ah! It moved it moved!" I stand up. "What are you on about?" His hands are shaking. He points at something. "Ugh, it's just a spider." It crawls and he freaks out and falls off the chair. He struggles to get to his feet and hides behind me. "You are such... a baby." I say. "Well.. Don't just stand there. Get it!" He shouts. "I will. Give me the damn shoe!" I grab it and kill the spider. I get a napkin and throw it out. "Happy?!" I snap. "Are you mad?" He asks. "Ross. You have known me for a while and.... You know that I hate when people wake me up. You woke me up. I was just about to kiss Ryan Gosling. Screw you." I say. "I didn't mean to. Sorry. You can punch me if you'd like." My fist comes in contact with his face. "Ow! Sh*t!" He yells.

I gasp as blood pours from his face. "Crap! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it that hard." He rushes to the bathroom. I follow him. "It's starting to bruise McKenna." I get him ice. "Here. Again I'm sorry. But it's not bleeding anymore. That's good." He glares. "Ok don't be mad. You told me to. And I was a bit pissed you woke me up. So in other words, it's both our faults." He shakes his head. "It's the spider's. If it wasn't for that disgusting thing, I wouldn't look like rudolf. But I have to film later so you have to fix this." I take the ice off. "On the bright side.... Um, well.... I'm sorry but there is no bright side." He sighs heavily. "But don't worry because I can fix this. We have a similar complexion." I grab my bag. "I do not think so. You aren't putting any makeup on me." I sit him down. "Do you want to go out looking like that? I didn't think so."

Then there's a knock on the door. "I'll be back. You keep ice on it until I return." I go to get the door. "Oh.. Um, hi Courtney." I mumble. "Hi McKenna right?" I nod. "What are you doing here? In your pyjamas?" She asks while eying my clothes. "Oh, I uh- I was... Just-" "Hey Court!" I turn to see Ross. "What happened to you baby?!" She rushes to him. "There was an accident." He says looking at me. "Why is she here?" She whispered but I still heard. "Oh, I asked her. I asked her be-because um... I tripped and um, I hit my nose on the bathtub. She um,  she's good with this stuff and I was wondering if she could cover it up." I nod as she looks at me. "Oh. Ok, well I can do it. I'm sure I can fix this. You know spending a lot of time in hair and makeup, I pick up a few things. And you look tired, go rest."

Why does she have to be nice?! I really wanted to hate her! "I'm fine really." I say. "No it's okay. I'll do it. Plus he said he would take me to the set and after we're going cliff diving." She smiles. Can she just be ugly? No wonder he chose to date her. "Okay. I uh, I'll be with Rydel.. If-if you need me. But not that you will but I'm just saying- I gotta go." I rush my sentence and turn to leave. "Wait! Um, take you're makeup. I'll help you get it all." We go to the bathroom. "I will tell her today. I will. I just need to find the right time.  Here's a key. I have a surprise for you. I'll see you later."

He hands me my bag and I smile taking the key. I glance at Courtney as I leave. Ugh! I can't live with this! She's pretty, tall, kind, caring, and she seems interested in Ross. It looks like they really get along and I can't compete with that. I want things to go back to normal. I just wish they could go back to normal. I'm happy that he's found someone but I want that someone to be me. Not her. She deserves someone else. Ross is with me and he's going to leave her. She doesn't deserve that.

Ross's POV:

What am I supposed to do?! I need to tell Courtney but I don't want to hurt her. I can't. But I love McKenna. A lot. "So who is she with?" She asks. "What do you mean?" I reply. "Like, is she a friend?" I shrug. "Yeah, you could put it that way. We're really close. Her family and mine." I tell the truth. Well, half. "You two are just friends? She seems to always be with you when I'm not. Where's her boyfriend or whoever is the father of her baby? Unless she's like, a slut." She commented. "SHE IS NOT A SLUT!" I yell. She backs up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. She has a boyfriend who is a lot closer than you think." She nods. I need to calm down before she finds out. I mean before I tell her. "I just help her out sometimes. She trusts me and I can trust her too." I say. "Okay. I believe you. Let's go." She says finishing my makeup.

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