Ruff Day, Dog Breath?(fluff)

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Summary: Josh really wants to cuddle after a somewhat stressful day, Tyler approves. (Established relationship)
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and/or depression.
(***) - small tangent can be skipped
§°§- scene change

Tyler heard the front door of their tour bus open aggressively and then slam shut, a huff following the sound and finally a frustrated mumble of "Sorry, Ty." Coming from his boyfriend. Tyler's lips twitched into a smile and he put his phone down, closing his eyes and letting the smile grow bigger as the footsteps climbed closer to the closed door that his where they slept. The door creaked open and Tyler opened his eyes to look at Josh who didn't smile as big.

His smile was small and defeated, but still there, a glimmer in his eyes that whispered "You can make this smile bigger, can't you Tyler?". Of course he could. Josh had been out all day having meetings that didnt require Tyler, pullin g strings to book venues, things of that nature. Josh stepped into the room, leaving the door wide open and stepped to the end of the twin matteress.


It had taken everything in them to convince Mark to let them get a matteress this big that practically consumed where their bunks used to be. "But how am I supposed to hold my boyfriend's hand at night when he gets anxious when he's a whole bunk below me?" Josh groaned to Mark, "How am I supposed to fall asleep to the sounds of you two making out and doing god knows what else. Also. Not my problem, it's not my fault you guy had to become a couple. Just sleep on top of eachother in the same bunk, I don't care." Mark retorted, and though he sounded harsh, he still smiled. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler's small waist and pulled him close, Tyler putting one hand on Josh's chest, "We promise not to make out when anyone is on the bus-" Tyler had to cut him off with a look of almost guil and desperation. Josh looked down, "Okay, well at least not while anyone is back here." His voice trailed off again before he found another defense "And besides, we've been dating for foyr years, it's not like we planned this. Please Mark! We'll even let you sleep in it like twice a week! So we all get a comfy bed."

After thinking it over they agreed and later that week went matteress shopping which was mostly Mark agressivley third wheeling while Josh pulled Tyler onto matresses on top of him, while they both laughed and kissed. Mark mostly just stood there with the employee with his eyes to the sky and a dissatisfied look.


Josh huffed and then fell straight forward onto the matteress and landing on top of Tyler who let out a grunt and a small groan. Josh shimmied up Tyler's body and laid his head on his shoulder and his legs between Tyler's. Not their most common cuddle position, mostly because Tyler was smaller and was usually on top, and also because they typically didn't lay on eachother, but rather next to eachother. Tyler wrapped one arm around Josh's waist and with the other he found Josh's hand, lacing their fingers,together and giving it a small but firm squeeze.

Josh switched his head around so he could speak, "Do you ever think this isn't worth it, Ty?" He asked softly, "I mean couldn't we just be a normal couple, settle down, get married, cuddle on a real bed at our own house instead of the back of a tour bus that smells like boy and Taco Bell?" He sighed. Tyler rubbed the back,if his boyfriend's back, "Bad day, Dog Breath? That would be easier wouldn't it? But think of all the kids whose lives we're changing by being a bunch of dudes that love music as much as they love each other and rap about the real stuff as well as their own battles. I mean we are paving the road,for gay Christian rap artists. That wasn't even a genre until we came around." Josh huffed at Tyler's response, normally he'd tell Tyler he was right but he wasn't in the mood.

"I'm just so stressed out, baby boy. I talked to these people all day and they still said they weren't interested. And so I get super anxious, right?" Tyler wasnt meant to reply to this, so he nodded and let him continue. "And then like I'm swarmed by like, I don't know, 10 fans. And I didn't wanna turn them down but I had so much anxiety and like I was so freaked. Then my mom called me and said that I had missed some big important doctor's appointment and just wanted to talk about how we we're doing and was talking about how I need to make sure I'm communicating well with you because it's key. And I was like, 'I don't know if I'm communicating well with him! You have to ask him!' And then I got all nervous because like wow, what if I'm not communicating well with you, then what? Are you going to leave? How do I even communicate? I mean we talk all the time and I-" Josh was hushed instantly by a firm kiss on the lips, and when Tyler pulled away he suddenly didn't feel quite so stressd out.

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