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A month of clients, strange weather patterns, and lonely nights passes before Carter sees Harry again. He's come in for his appointment and she's almost happy that he has because there's something about him that she likes, even though she's not going to admit that to anyone. It was hard enough admitting that to herself.

Harry walks in with a small smile framing his very kissable lips and Carter wants to smack herself for just thinking about kissing him. He's certainly a nice sight to look at, but she isn't going to get into any of that romance shit. She had priorities and finding a significant other isn't one of them.

However, she does agree with what Pandora said, that she needs some kind of sexually related stress relief. But when it comes down to it, she can fix that herself and she doesn't have to complicate things.

Carter puts on her friendly business smile as he walks up to the counter. "Welcome back. Have you decided what you'd like to have done today, or should I get you the books that you haven't looked at yet?"

Harry laughs lightly, the corners of his lips tilting at a much more dramatic angle. "I'd like you to design whatever you want, to place wherever you want."

Carter looks at him curiously, her eyebrow raised and her lips slightly lifted into a smirk. "Really? You trust me that much?"

Harry shrugs, his eyes and his mood light. He trusts her as an artist and that's really all that matters to him right now. "Yes, I love your work and I thought that it would be neat to have an original."

She hasn't heard the word neat since she was a child and she thinks that it's amusing to hear a grown man use it in a sentence. Carter laughs as she scribbles an idea and a price estimate down on her notebook behind the counter. "Neat. I haven't heard that word since I was about four years old. Not a very vast vocabulary?"

He playfully rolls his eyes in response, a light laugh rolling off his tongue. "Actually, I'm very well educated and I possess and immaculate vocabulary. I'm just a bit more...conservative with my word choice, amongst other things."

Carter's eyes widen slightly at his response. She hadn't expected him to react so lightly because she was a little rude to begin with. She read him wrong and she's actually a little amused and a little impressed by his reaction.

"Impressive. I'll go draw you something, sit tight and feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge or on the coffee table."

Pandora doesn't waste any time and pops up beside Carter the second that she makes it to her drawing table. "Mr. Sexy is back! Are you going to go for him this time?"

Carter laughs and rolls her eyes as she starts her outline, "No, I'm perfectly content just being his artist. I can fuck myself if I need to be 'sexually relieved.'"

Pandora laughs loudly and takes a seat across from her to watch her as she works. She admires the way that she lays things out and how she executes everything in her own special manner. "But that's no fun! You need to get some action other than your vibrator and your internet porn!"

She ignores the fact that she's just loudly announced some of the things that she does on her free time, even if the porn part isn't true. Carter rolls her eyes and focuses on her drawing, "I don't watch porn, Pandora. You, on the other hand, I'm not too sure about."

Pandora knows that she isn't exactly telling the truth because she's seen her Tumblr and the stuff that she reposts. "Looks like it from what you post and reblog on Tumblr."

Carter's blue eyes lift to meet Pandora's brown ones, a slight smile to her lips. "How did you find that?"

Pandora laughs loudly and rolls her eyes because Carter isn't as secretive as she thinks that she is. "Wasn't very hard, actually. I'm surprised that you don't have any creepy stalkers showing up here yet. Oh! Maybe he's one!"

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