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Harry spins a coin in his hand as he mulls over the thought of going over to Carter's to be her booty call. He's definitely made some progress in tearing apart the walls that she's shrouded herself in, but he really doesn't want to get her into drugs.

It hadn't taken very much to get him hooked and he doesn't know if it will be the same for her too. She has so much going for her already and he doesn't want to take away her shot at rising to the top of the industry.

But he really does need a change from Aurora and she did say that it would be a one-time offer, no strings attached. She doesn't seem like the type of person to get too attached after sex, especially since she was so blunt about it in the first place, but she's an artist like he is and that's what worries him.

He tries not to think about it so much as he makes his way back to his warehouse. Thinking too much has never really been a good thing for him because he worries himself too much over the small things.

Thankfully, the withdrawal doesn't hit him hard until he makes it home. The warehouse is still a mess from his fit a month back, but he's not really in the mood to clean it up any further than the paint cans and canvases that he needed to move in order to work and to make money.

He still has a few pills hidden in one of his totes and he pops one to calm his mind and to repress his withdrawal symptoms. For about an hour, he lies on his mattress and stares at his ceiling with wide eyes, amazed with all of the colors and patterns that blend together and tear apart.

It's nice to just relax and get lost in the euphoria for a moment instead of frantically painting whatever comes to mind until his fingers are coated in paint and his warehouse is a mess.

Time passes a little quicker than he expects it to and the moon is beginning its trek to the top of the sky by the time that he starts to come down from his high.

He still has no idea if he wants to change things up and sleep with Carter for a night. It'll piss Aurora off if he does, but she's always pissed off at something and it's not like they're exclusive or anything, he doesn't even like her. Plus, he really needs to get out there and to get away from her, she's only keeping him in the hole that he's dug for himself and he desperately wants to get out.

Carter's so different from what he's used to and she's actually pulled him up a rung on the ladder when he thought that he was slipping further down into the abyss.

But will he start to fall down again if he goes to her place just to sleep with her? She isn't paying him for sex, so he doesn't feel like a prostitute or anything, but the whole thing is a little foreign to him because there isn't a tradeoff and she's genuinely someone that he has feelings for that aren't negative.

It's not like he sleeps around all the time, in fact, he's never done that before. The only reason that he's keeping up a sexual arrangement with Aurora is because she's his supplier and he can't afford to live and to buy drugs at the same time.

His phone goes off somewhere downstairs and he groans as he untangles himself from the sheets and heading back down to retrieve the device that he'd forgotten about for a while.

The light from the screen burns his eyes for a long moment and clears after he blinks an abnormal number of times. He really should remember to turn down his brightness when it starts to get late.

There's a picture message from Aurora and he mentally groans as he opens it. He already knows that it's another nude and a text telling him to come over and fuck her. She does this frequently because she's always horny for some reason and it irritates the living hell out of him.

Harry sighs as he flicks past the picture of her breasts and reads the actual message.

Can't wait to see you and that dick of yours. Come round at 7 so we can have some play time ;)

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