Chapter 13 "Are We The Waiting"

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This book is going to end soon sadly! x :c

Dallon was excited today he was able to go with Brendon to his band practice. He was also excited because Hayley would be there as well, they hit it off when they met and were pretty good friends.
Brendon held the door open the best he could for Dallon since he had a guitar in one hand and the other his lyric book "Thank you." Dal said walking inside. Dallon was holding the rest of Brendon's supplies he needed which was just a bunch of guitar picks and paper.

Brendon smiled leading the way to the back of the building where the others were. Ian was fiddling around with a guitar and Spencer was at the drum set talking to Hayley about something
"Hey sorry we're late," Brendon said setting his things down and pulling off his jacket "Dallon was helping me carry something's here."
Dallon smiled proudly and set the rest of the things down taking a seat in front of their makeshift 'practice' stage
"It's fine," Spencer said watching as Hayley sat down next to Dal and they started to engage in a conversation
"You playing bass today Brendon?"

Brendon nodded walking over to where the bass was sitting on its stand and flicked on the amp adjusting it to his desired sound.
"Which song should we run through first?" Ian asked watching Bren adjust the strap to the bass
"We could run through 'Oh Glory'?" Brendon responded and they all agreed
"Okay yeah." Spencer said smiling and observed his sheet music to make mental notes of things

Brendon adjusted the microphone and had an idea pop into his mind
"Hey Dallon why don't you join us?" Brendon offered and Dallon's eyes widened "W-What?" he squeaked and Brendon laughed
"I've got the lyrics up here, you can sing along with me."
Dallon licked his lips "I..Don't know."
"Please?" Brendon asked and Dallon sighed getting to his feet
"Where should I go?" He asked and Brendon smiled

"You can stand right next to me, we'll share a microphone." Dallon nodded and stood by to Brendon; They started up the song and began to both sing along amazing the others in the band and also making Ian coo at how cute they were and how Dallon stood close to Brendon for protection.

"You know.." Ian said clapping once they finished the song
"We've been looking for another singer you know for the band.." Dallon tilted his head confused and Ian laughed "Why don't you join Dallon, I think it's safe to say we're all okay with it!" Dal looked around see Spencer smile wide and felt Brendon rub the small of his back lovingly and lent down to whisper into his ear
"If you don't want to baby I won't make you." Dallon blushed smiling and looked up

"I would love too."

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