Apocalypse's Horsemen

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 © Katherine Pocock 2013

Chapter One

I hated snow. It was official – I really loathed the white pretty-looking powder that was spread out for miles and miles in every direction. And to make my mood even cheerier, there was no end in sight.

Back home it was different. Seeing a blanket of fluffy snow out of the window would usually guarantee fun. Work would be cancelled because the UK has absolutely no idea how to handle anything other than rain. Danny would finally be able to appreciate the art of snowman building. Last time it had snowed, my little boy had still been a baby and we had only just escaped the complete annihilation of the angelic and demonic races. Frolicking in the snow had been the least of our priorities.

But no, the snowy ground that was whizzing past outside of the window was nothing as magical as that. It was stark and endless. Just looking at it was sending shivers up my spine. It certainly wasn’t helpful when I was already suffering from a bone deep chill despite the many articles of clothing layered over my body.

“Stop moping Savannah.” Lucius teased, blowing warm air into my ear.

We were sat side by side in the back of a vehicle that Lucius, with all of his charm, had managed to bargain from a group of researchers on our arrival at the frozen wasteland. The men on the small research facility had been completely enthralled and were more than happy to accept the dozen or so cases of beer in exchange for the use of their vehicle for two weeks.

I thought we were getting the better deal by miles because, if our track history for trouble was anything to go by, they would most certainly never lay eyes upon the vehicle again. At least not whole I added as an afterthought.

The vehicle was bright blue and made up of two parts. The scientists had called it a double hagglund. It made no difference to me. It could be called big blue bug and it would still be the love child between a car and a tank. There were no wheels and instead our transportation operated on tracks so it could easily manoeuvre over the harsh terrain. It was useful because it came with enough seating for all of us. Unfortunately it didn’t offer enough room for all of the male egos in the vehicle.

Another bump in the icy terrain forced me into Lucius’ lap. He chuckled into my ear and murmured under his breath while his arms held me in place. Stupid man child, I thought while crossing my arms over my chest. 

“I don’t understand how you’re so happy.” I huffed and folded my arms across my chest. “This entire trip has been a nightmare so far.  And if the endless nothing stretching out in every direction is a clue then we won’t be finding anyone soon.”

“We WILL find him.” Lucius said through gritted teeth. “Star has never pointed me wrong. She’s my other half after all. If she tells me he is alive and cowering out here like a timid mouse then I will hunt him down and make him tell me everything. This all began with him and I will make sure that it ends with him too.”

The vehicle was silent after his impromptu speech. Only the roar of the engine cut through the stillness. And there was something there – a tension that lurked just under the surface.  Even after a year they were still feeling the sting of the knife that Phil, whose true name was Mephistopheles, had stabbed into their backs. This wasn’t just a fact finding mission, this was also about revenge.

Trying to take my mind off of the bloodthirsty reality that was lurking under their stoic facades, I turned my attention to the man resting his chin upon my shoulder.

“I know you need to find him Lucius but Star gave me that information weeks ago and - .”  I paused and released a sigh. “Let’s be realistic. Why would he stay in one place - out here away from everything? How would he even think we would be looking for him? If it wasn’t for Star we would all think he was dead.”

Apocalypse's Horsemen (Devil's Assistant Series - Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now