Apocalypse's Horsemen [30]

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Chapter 30

Coming out of the airport was an awakening call.

I had learnt a new life lesson after that excruciating experience - never fly on airplanes with Angels. It was probably worse that spending the day in Tartarus. It was the wings. As they were used to flying without the aid of a heathen mechanical contraption, the lot of them regarded the journey as a great opportunity to air their disdain for airplanes and helicopters. I almost wished that we had called Hades and asked him to use some of his special magic so that we could cross the world quick sharpish. It would have been less of a headache. Unfortunately, he was more than a little preoccupied with his other duties.

Instead, I found myself preparing for yet another battle. This time however, my two best friends were nowhere in sight and I was stuck with a group of grumpy and slightly hostile angels. Binah had been almost unresponsive the entire journey, her hand clasped firmly around Gabriel’s as she fought back wave after wave of visions. They were coming harder and faster now. The toll on her was worse than I had ever seen it before.

Taking a step forward, I watched the stream of cars winding their way back down the road and tried not to panic. It was chaos. People were milling about everywhere and no one seemed to stop. They were all rushing to get into the first taxi before someone else could climb in.

“Where do we go?” I asked, more than a little dumbfounded.

I had always wanted to travel to New York. It was one of the places on my list. And at this time of year, it was going to be busy. Christmas lights hung everywhere and there was a distinct chill in the air in preparation for the first snowfall of the season. It was mayhem.

“We get a taxi to Times Square and go from there.” Zeke offered unhelpfully.

“Yes I know. But we need more information than that. Binah, have you see anything more.”

Gabriel’s head shot up and for the first time that I could ever remember, the father of my child glared at me as if I was the enemy.

“It will happen soon. We have only a few hours. There’s an event this evening the square. It will happen then.” Her voice was thin and reedy, the strain of her visions taking a greater toll on her body as the moments passed.

“Right, taxis it is then.” I muttered, nudging Zeke in the side.

“Hail some cabs, you might have more luck being seen than me.”

My words were literal too. The angel had decided that his thermals had to be not only warm but fluorescent too. He had donned a shockingly bright yellow jacket that could be seen from a mile away.

It took far longer to get across the city than anticipated. If it wasn’t for Binah’s fragile state I would have suggested that we cross the city on foot. It probably would have been quicker. Instead we were forced to sit in back of the yellow cab for over an hour.  I found myself caught between Caius and Caine. The twins refused to be split up and in the absence of Lucius and Castiel, had taken to following me around like my own little security team.

“So, are you both okay now? With Binah.” I prompted.

Both men grunted but I had no idea whether that was meant to be a yes or a no. I made several more attempts to draw them in to conversation before giving in and leaning back into the seat.

We had landed at four in the afternoon so by the time that the cab pulled to the curb a block away from Times Square, the sky was already darkening and the temperature had dropped. I shivered as I pulled myself from the vehicle, my hands rubbing up and down the lengths of my arms to add some warmth into them. Our trip into the Arctic Circle had been cold but the New York freeze seemed to cut through my clothes quicker, chilling me to the very bone.

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