Apocalypse's Horsemen [5]

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Chapter 5

Waking up after twelve hours of continuous partying was disorientating. The room span and my stomach tried to force its way up my throat. Clamping a hand over my mouth, I squinted through the gloom at the unfamiliar surroundings.

The room was vast as far as I could tell with my hazy vision. It was a testament to the ridiculous amounts of alcohol that I had consumed the night before as the loss of clear vision was only a symptom I suffered with a raging hangover.

I rubbed my hand across my eyes and sat up, looking about the room with only half of my normal level of concentration. It was why the familiar figure sitting in the corner of the room only sent a pang through my heart but didn’t send any of my alarm bells ringing. I smiled dumbly at the apparition feeling tears gather at the corner of my eyes as I looked at the face that was so like my own. The same dark hair and the same nose though the woman across from me had eyes greener than any grass I had ever seen.

“I miss you mum.” I whispered raggedly as I tried to stop my stomach from rolling.

The figure sat forwards and beamed at me. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck. With a blink and a not so wise shake of the head, I tried to shake off the paranoia.

“Hello Savannah,” my mum’s impossible voice spoke to me.

Yelping, I fell back on the bed. My hangover became something of a background annoyance as I stared into the cold eyes that twinkled at me with mirth. It wasn’t my imagination. My mother was really there. And yet I knew with certainty that it couldn’t have been her because she was dead. I had been the one to identify her body. I had been the one to identify dad’s body too.

“Mum? But you’re dead?!” The words slipped from my lips before I could put much thought into them. My heart was already aching from the mere sight of the woman before me and I couldn’t help but hope that my memory was wrong and that whatever was sitting only a few feet away was my mum.

But life didn’t like me that much.

The strange apparition sitting on the other side of the room was obviously enjoying my torment as she threw back her head and laughed so hard that tears would have been streaming from her eyes if she were anything ordinary.

“Oh sweet child, I am most definitely not your mother.” The familiar term of endearment on the imposter’s lips sunk deep into my veins sending a chill up my spine.

“Who are you?” I questioned, my voice coming out in no more than a whisper as I stared at the face I had wanted to see for so long.

“I am someone that was very much interested in meeting you.”

I frowned and looked away from the figure. My dry mouth and throbbing head were doing nothing to help with my concentration but the fact that this being, the one that looked so much like me, so much like my mum wanted to meet me caused nothing but confusions and dread. There was no good reason that something like this would want to meet me.

“Why me?”

Pushing to their feet swiftly the figure pranced up and down the length of the room waving their arms around.

“Why not you?”

My mum’s lookalike snorted when she noted the dubious expression on my features.

“I suppose that was a little much to expect you to expect on face value. No my dear, I wanted to meet you. Firstly to meet the one that is threatening my existence, to see the one who thinks that they can hunt me, that they can defeat me.”

My head throbbed painfully. Bringing my fingers to my temple I massaged them gently to try and ease ache while I puzzled over their words.

“Why would I want to defeat you? I don’t even know who you are. Except from looking like my dead mother, you have not caused me any injury as far as I know.” I answered the person logically, all the while my mind was sluggishly processing their words.

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