Part 1

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(Alex's pov) Also known as Alexis.

"Happy New Years!" I yell dumping the bucket of water on the other angels. I'm one of god's angels, well more of a rebel angel.

If god has chosen you to be one of the angels that protect the earth you are given a set of rules.
1) Always show respect.
2) Only use powers if necessary.
3) Never pull pranks on anyone it can be dangerous.
4) Always do what you believe is right.

Blah, I hate those rules. All of the angels are so uptight and serious it makes heaven boring. We are trained to protect the humans from the other supernatural creatures like vampires and werewolves.

"Alexis Reid!" My father yells walking towards me, he's soaked in water and so is my mom. I cover a laugh with a cough as my father scowls at me. "God wishes to speak with you."

"Fine." I say annoyed, people here are so uptight. It was just a little bit of water it's not like I set their wings on fire or something like that.

I walk into the office and take a seat. God walks in a few seconds later with a frown on his face. My smile drops as I remember he never frowns.

"I didn't want to have to do this but you have gotten out of control. I banish you Alexis Winter Reid from heaven forever." He booms in a powerful voice. I suddenly find myself falling through the clouds. I'm too in shock to remember to spread my wings, I land on earth hard creating a very large hole with me laying in the middle of it.

How could they do this to me? I just wanted them to have some fun. How could my parents let him banish me? Their own daughter.

I stand up and brush off my snow white dress before climbing out of the large hole. I spread my wings and sigh in relief as I realize I still have them. My wings go back into my back as I walk through the forest.
As I walk I notice a pond with no water, I use my powers to make water appear in my hand and throw it into the pond. I smile in satisfaction as I continue my journey through the woods.

Luckily I'm a great tracker so it doesn't take me long to find a road. To my right is a sign that says Welcome To Forks. At that moment the only thing I could think is, Who names their town after a eating utensil?

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