Part 7

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(Alex's POV)

I walk into my house and slam the door behind me. Jasper sits on my couch with his arms folded and he's glaring at the wall. Does he expect an apology? He's not getting one.

I lean against the wall and sigh. He looks over at me and his glare softens but he says nothing.

"Why are you still here?" I ask. He doesn't say anything, he just sits there staring at me. "You want me to apologize for punching you? Well that's not going to happen."

"I'm sorry." Jasper finally says. My eyes widen and I look at him in confusion. He's apologizing? I didn't expect that.

I walk over and sit down next to him. He puts his head on my shoulder and purrs like a cat. It's a comforting sound and I find myself leaning into his embrace.

"I'm not sorry for punching you." I say. He laughs and nods his head.

"I know." He answers closing his eyes. "I wish I could sleep."

"I can do that." I say excitedly. He opens his eyes and glares at me.

"I know you can sleep, you don't have to rub it in my face." He growls and my eyes widen in confusion. I'm not talking about me.

"No. I can make you sleep." I say slowly. His eyes widen and fill with guilt and hope.

"Please?" He asks and I nod. How could I ever deny him? He's so perfect and adorable.

"Close your eyes and focus on my singing." I instruct. He closes his eyes and I start to sing "Read All About it." By Emeli Sande.

Eventually his body goes limp against mine. He sighs in his sleep before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. I smile and wrap my arms around him.

I look down at Jasper and smile. How did I get so lucky? He's so handsome even with his scars. I love his scars, he's a fighter and the scars are proof that he did not give up. No matter how hard life was for him.

How did he get stuck with someone like me? He must be angry that he's stuck with me and not someone like Alice or Rosalie. They're both beautiful.

I stop singing and gently remove him from my arms. His arms reach out for me but I put a pillow in his grasp. I need to talk to Nathan. Nathan needs to apologize to Jasper. I can't have my best friend and mate hating each other.

I lay Jasper on the couch and throw a blanket over him before walking out. I walk into the woods and quickly pick up Nathan's scent. My wings spread and I take off into the sky.

Everything looks beautiful from up above. I can see everything. Every animal, plant, and insect. I can see a mountain lion chasing a deer with the lion's family behind them. I can see a deer drinking the lake water silently. It's eyes move every few seconds obviously looking for danger.

I find Nathan lying in the middle of a clearing. His eyes are closed and he has an arm covering his eyes. I drop to the ground and land next to him.

He opens his eyes and looks at me with those huge blue eyes that give him the innocent look. He's anything but innocent though.

"It's not good to keep a vampire as a pet." Nathan says closing his eyes. I growl at him and punch him in the arm. He whines.

"Don't call him that. He's my mate." I say closing my eyes. Why can't Nathan understand? He's supposed to be my best friend. Jasper is my mate and he has to deal with it.

I suddenly feel someone standing over me. I open my eyes to see Nathan standing over me looking angry. He grabs my arm and yanks me up.

"He'll break your heart." Nathan growls pushing me back. My back eventually hits a tree. My eyes widen as I notice how close we are. I can't breathe.

"So? That's a risk I'm willing to take." I say with a smirk. Nathan growls before punching the tree. Nathan has never been angry with me. Will he hurt me? Kill me? No. Jasper would kill him.

"Why am I not good enough for you?" Nathan asks as tears and anger fills his eyes. Wait, what? Nathan likes me? I never knew.

"Jasper is my mate." I say slowly as if I'm speaking to a child. Suddenly his lips are on mine. I gasp and try to push him off. His hands pin my arms down and he presses his lips harder against mine.

The wind picks up and the ground rattles. I feel my eyes turn black as I throw him off of me. Nathan gets up and smirks as he walks closer to me.

A loud, vicious, growl fills the air as I tackle him. My fist fly's into his face repeatedly until I feel someone pull me off of him. Do they have a death wish?

I turn around ready to punch the person until I see Jasper. I thought he was asleep?

"Are you okay? What happened? I woke up because I felt your anger." He says looking at me with worry in his eyes. He looks down and notices the bruises on my lips and growls. "You kissed him?" My eyes widen in fear as I notice his eyes turn black. He won't hurt me, will he?

"No, he kissed me. That's why I was punching him." I explain and he growls again. Suddenly Jasper jumps on Nathan and starts punching him. Nathan is already bleeding from my punches but now he's crying. I watch for a few moments but eventually I feel bad for Nathan.

"Jasper stop." I say pulling on Jaspers arm. Jasper growls before shoving me. I fall to the ground and land on my already bruised face. I growl in anger before standing up and smashing my fist into the ground as hard as I can.

The ground opens until I can see lava at the bottom. Jasper stops punching Nathan and looks at me in confusion.

"I said enough!" I yell tackling Jasper. We both roll off of Nathan and fall to the ground. I can't believe Jasper shoved me!

"I told you." Nathan whispers from behind me.

I turn around and growl at him. His eyes widen and I smirk before tackling him.

My Vampire Mate (A Jasper Whitlock Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now