Chapter Three - Naraku

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Hiya! So I hope you're enjoy my story so far. I know the chapters are somewhat short. Sorry about that. So, without further ado, chapter three Naraku!
I was getting closer.
Inuyasha's scent was definitely getting stronger. I was even beginning to smell the three humans that were with him as well along with two demons. A two tailed cat and a fox to be exact.
As I was traveling, I felt a presence watching me. I did think it was Lord Sesshomaru at one point. The scent wasn't his though. It was more like something was rotting. I couldn't really describe it. But it made me sick to my stomach and made my skin crawl just a bit.
I slowed my pace a bit. More concerned with this presence than the dog demon finding me. A powerful demonic energy was growing steadily, becoming even more powerful than Sesshomaru's and his sword. It puzzled me though. The energy was coming from a half demon, not a full blooded demon like Sesshomaru. Yet it was so powerful.
"Who's there?" I demanded, stopping in my tracks. A barrier was suddenly erected around the surrounding area as the sky grew dark in the barrier. A half demon appeared before me. His body was somewhat deformed with tentacles and sharp teeth coming out of his back. His arms bore sharp teeth as well, and there was something that looked like red eyes on his chest and wrists.
"You haven't heard of me?" He said, his voice sounded like he was teasing me almost. I straightened my back, itching to grab my dagger. It wouldn't be a wise decision to attack though.
Not yet at least.
"Should I have?" I asked. My entire body was tense and ready to strike. He didn't have a barrier around him, and I could see the nerves I would have to throw my dagger at to paralyze him.
"I wouldn't try to hurt me Azami." He stated. My head snapped up at the sound of my name. How did he know that?
"What do you want?" I demanded, hiding my nervousness.
"You are after Inuyasha, aren't you?" He asked.
"And why should I tell you that?" I questioned. He smiled, sending chills down my spine.
"I have much power Azami, and once I have all the jewel shards of the Shikon Jewel, I can grant you anything you want. Make your wildest wishes come true." He taunted. I swallowed, realizing how useful that would be. But what what cost would my wish come true?
"And if, and that's a big if, I said yes, what would you have me do?" I said. He chuckled and moved closer, standing only a few feet away. His stench was nearly unbearable.
"Get the jewel shards from Inuyasha and his friends. Every time I get close to them, the dead priestess Kikyo gets in the way," He explained. Wait, did he just say dead? "I saw the way you took down Sesshomaru," He continued. He saw that? How long had he been watching me? And how? I didn't even sense this dark presence earlier. How couple I have missed it?
"A woman with your speed and talents would be quite useful to me." He commented, his feet touching the ground. I breathed in sharply as he circled me slowly. Why did I continue to let him talk? He stopped in front of me and smiled once again.
"And after I get the jewel shards?" I asked.
"Get me the jewel shards, then we'll talk again." He said. A low chuckle escaped his lips as he floated backwards and disappeared into the sky. The sky went back to normal, and the barrier disappeared. I shivered as soon as I knew he was gone. The guy gave me the creeps. Even without his offer, I would have still gotten the jewel shard but not for him, for me. What joy it would be to have a half demon like him to hate me. A smile crept onto my face before I hurried towards Inuyasha's scent.
Sesshomaru's POV
The woman had paralyzed me momentarily. I had tried to move, but she had been too quick. The fight had ended before it even began. I had never seen someone move that quickly.
"Lord Sesshomaru?" I glanced up at Rin's worried face as feeling began to return to my body. I remembered the day I brought her back from the dead using my sword, Tenseiga. I don't know why I did it, but I find myself glad that I listened to my sword when it told me to save her.
"Jaken." I rasped. The little green demon hurried to my side.
"Yes my lord?" He asked timidly. I pulled myself up and rested my back against the nearest tree. I moved my fingers slightly, glad that I could move them again.
"Which way did she go?" I asked. I still couldn't feel my legs, but I could move my arms and torso.
"West my lord." Jaken reported, bowing his head.
"West." I mumbled under my breath. I tuned out Jaken as he began to rant about how he should have stopped the girl using the staff of two heads, Rin slowly shaking her head in the background at Jaken. It almost made me smile. Almost.
West Jaken had said.. I think I remember that Inuyasha was heading that way. Was she following him? But why? Last time we met, he had been in possession of a sacred jewel shard. Maybe she was after that. Or maybe she worked for Naraku, but she didn't have his scent on her. In fact, her scent was weird. I couldn't figure out what she was, and it puzzled me. Her speed reminded me of a demon, but she didn't have any characteristics of a demon. Then again, her mask and hood had hidden her face. Also she didn't have a demonic aura. Could this day get any stranger?

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