Chapter Seven - The Cavern

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Yeah, it was really tempting to leave the last chapter one a cliffhanger. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I know, I'm truly evil. And I'm okay with that :). Anyway, presenting chapter seven, the cavern!!!!!
Falling down a deep dark cavern was not my idea of fun. Neither was letting a human and a demon land on me. Luckily, I had found Kagome and Shippo before they hit the ground. I had grabbed them quickly land held them closely to my chest. Right as my back hit the ground, I took most of the brunt of the fall before shoving them away.
I blinked my eyes open, finding myself propped up against one of the caverns walls. Kagome was sitting beside, a worried expression on her face. The little fox demon was awake with s small lump on his head from where the rock hit him. Kagome didn't seemed to have many injuries except for a bruise on her forehead.
"Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, wincing.
"This is worst than last time." I grunted, shifting my position so that I was up against the rock more. The simple movement sent pain down my back.
"Last time?" She repeated.
"Yeah last time," I stated. I moved my sore ankle around slightly, finding that I had sprained or twisted it in my fall.
"You saved us." Shippo said. I swallowed and looked at him.
"You seem surprised." I commented.
"Well why wouldn't we be?" Shippo demanded. "You paralyzed me and held a knife to Kagome's throat." He added. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, a slight headache swirling around up there.
"Why did you save us?" Kagome asked softly. I breathed in deeply and let it out slowly.
"My father ordered me to." I said.
"Your father?" Both of them repeated. I nodded.
"He's been interested in Inuyasha and his brother for quite some time. And he noticed that they each had people they loved and cared about. So along with protecting Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, my father ordered me to protect the people they care about." I explained. Something rumbled above us, causing us all to jump. Maybe it was Naraku or Inuyasha's friends trying to fight him.
"Why did your father decide to send you now? Why not earlier?" Shipping asked a few seconds later.
"I was too young and too inexperienced." I said.
"How young are you?" Kagome asked.
"About 201 I think." I shrugged. Kagome seemed shocked that that was considered young but didn't say anything.
"So you're about Inuyasha's age." Shippo commented.
"Yeah," I said. There was another rumble above us. This one causing dust and small pebbles to fall from the ceiling. We scooted closer to the wall, trying not to get hit by anything.
"Kagome." Shippo whispered as the rumblings grew worse. I glanced around quickly and sniffed the air. I could only smell rock and earth for a moment, but a new smell filled my nose. Fresh air. Coming from farther within the cave.
"Help me up." I said. Kagome nodded and helped me to my feet. Shippo jumped on her shoulder as I leaned against her, putting less weight on my twisted foot.
"Where are we going?" Kagome asked.
"There's an opening around here somewhere," I stated. "Can't you smell it Shippo?" I asked, glancing his way. He sniffed the air and nodded. He hopped off of Kagome's shoulder and walked ahead of us.
"I'll lead the way." He explained. I winced as I put more weight on my twisted foot. Hopefully it would heal soon.
"Why is your father interested in Inuyasha and Sesshomaru?" Kagome's asked, breaking the silence. We turned left at a fork in the cave I could smell more and more fresh air the farther we went.
"Apparently they mean a great deal to him." I shrugged. I readjusted my mask moving it farther up on my nose.
"And the hiding?" Kagome asked, eyeing my mask.
"My father ordered it." I explained.
"Huh." Kagome muttered. My leg was throbbing. I guessed I had done soon damage to my knee as well seeing as it had started to hurt.
"Shippo, go on ahead and find the exit. Amazi needs to rest for a moment." Kagome stated.
"What?" I asked as she sat me down on the ground. My back touched the cavern wall, causing pain to snake its way up and down my spine.
"Are you sure?" Shippo asked. Kagome nodded.
"If you say so." Shippo stated and scampered off.
"I would have been fine." I stated stubbornly. Kagome rolled her eyes.
"Sure you would have." She sighed, a bit of sarcasm edging her voice.
"So why are you and your friends after this Naraku fellow?" I asked. She breathed in deeply.
"Well," She launched into a long story about her and her friend's journey. Things about Kikyo and Inuyasha. Miroku's windtunnel. Sango's little brother, Kohaku. She told me more about this Shikon Jewel and what it did. It was quite a story to wrap your head around since it was insane and she told it quickly.
"I found the exit!" Shippo appeared from around the corner. A look of glee written on his face.
"You good?" Kagome asked, offering me her hand. I nodded and grabbed her hand before she pulled me to her feet. I bit my lip and  it my arm around Kagome's once more.
"If I had my backpack, I could wrap your leg." Kagome said. Backpack?
"Thanks for the offer." I said, not sure what else to say.
"How much longer till we get there Shippo?" The priestess asked.
"Not much farther." He reported.
A few moments later, we were standing at the mouth of the cave. It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the brightness of the sun. Luckily, the tall trees helped a bit.
"I wonder where Inuyasha is." Kagome asked aloud. I sniffed the air, getting a whiff of the half demon's scent.
"Put me down." I said. Kagome nodded her head before leading me over to the nearest tree and sitting me down,
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, but you should go find Inuyasha. You're getting tired from holding me." I commented, noticing a sweat on her brow.
"Are you sure?" She questioned.
"I'm sure Inuyasha is pretty worried about you, along with the others. I'm sure they are worried about Shippo as well." I said. Kagome looked at Shippo.
"We'll be right back." Shippo said. He transformed into a huge pink thing and carried Kagome away. I sighed and rested my head against the tree. Moments later, a woman dressed in white and red was standing in front of me.
Kagome's POV
I was worried about Azami.
I felt bad about just leaving her there, but I also wanted to see Inuyasha and the others. Azami was right. They were probably worried about Shippo and me. Hopefully, Naraku was gone.
"Kagome!" Someone shouted. Shippo quickly landed as Inuyasha ran up to me.
"How are you? Naraku said," Inuyasha muttered. I smiled.
"Kagome! Shippo!" Sango and Miroku exclaimed, greeting me and Shippo.
"How are you and Shippo still alive? We saw you fall." Sango stated.
"Azami saved us!" Shippo said cheerfully.
"What?" They all exclaimed. I nodded.
"She broke our fall." I said.
"She broke your fall?" Miroku repeated.
"Yeah, but she's hurt. She told us to go on ahead and tell you guys we were alright." I continued.
"How bad is she hurt?" Inuyasha asked.
"Her leg is hurting her along with her back. It also seemed like her head was hurting too." Shippo reported. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and suddenly seemed deep in thought.
"Inuyasha?" Miroku asked.
"Huh?" Inuyasha muttered, broken from his trance. "Where is she?" He asked. I pointed behind us.
"A little ways back." I replied.
"Get on." Inuyasha stated. I nodded and hopped on his back with Shippo on my shoulder. Sango and Miroku followed behind us. I led them to where Shippo and I had left Azami.
"What?" Shippo and I gasped.
Azami was gone.
"Well, where is she?" Inuyasha asked.
"She was right here." I stated, looking at the spot where I had sat her down to rest. Inuyasha looked around, sniffing the air.
"Inuyasha?" Sango asked.
"Kikyo was here." He stated. I glanced around quickly. I caught a glimpse of one of Kikyo's soul collectors. It swirled once in the air and disappeared without a trace.

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