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Okie, so I know I promised a lot of other pairings and I'm getting there. Even though it's summer break I've had so much stuff going on that I'm just as busy, or even busier, as I am when schools open. But I'm going to do the pairings I promised!! So starting with NarutoxSakura.

-DISCLAIMER- I don't own Naruto or its Characters or the picture above.

Prompt: Chocolate

Word Count: 826

Rating: PG-13 to T

"Ne ne ne Sakura-chan! Can I have one?? Pleeeeaaaasssseeee!" Naruto whined, tugging insistently on his childhood best friends sleeve.

They had met when they were 5 years old when she had saved him from the bullies trying to take his lunch box. Of course after that he had glomped her and she, being the shy adorable little girl she was, had turned bright red, and then pulling a Hinata, fainted in his arms. After a lot fretting, reassurances and apologies,  Naruto had managed to get the completely mortified Sakura to agree to come with him for ramen. And when he found out she didn't mind how much he ate and actually liked ramen, well, he wasted no time making her his best friend. And since then those two had been inseparable.

They had made it a point to revisit the park they had first met at every week. And that is where they currently were on this fateful Wednesday.

"Nope!" Sakura replied, grinning cheerfully even as she shrugged off Naruto's insistent tugging and popped another chocolate in her mouth. She saw his eyes follow the chocolate as it made its way into her mouth and grinned as he pouted.

"Pretty please with cherries on top!!" He pleaded and she shook her head again.

"Nope! Chocolate is too good to share" she replied brightly before popping another chocolate in her mouth and moaning in pure bliss as the delicious sweet melted on her tongue. Naruto glared darkly at the chocolate, stupid treat, how dare it taunt him The Uzumaki Naruto, Future Hokage of the Leaf. An idea popped into his head, causing a haughty smirk to cross his lips.

"Ne Sakura-chaaaaaaaan" he whined and she hummed to show she was listening. "I'm your best friend right?" He asked.

"Un!" She replied before nibbling on another piece of chocolate. Hey, even if she hated fanboys, she loved chocolate, and if they insisted on giving her chocolate, then why throw it away? Honestly! It's perfectly good chocolate, who cares if it came from another brainless, hormone-driven, lovesick teenager.

"That means you love me right?" Naruto continued and she gave a affirmative hum. "So you wouldn't mind sharing some of that delicious chocolate with your bestest friend in the whole wide world right? Unless you were lying about loving me" he said slyly, faking a hurt look. Going as far as to add in a trembling lip and large, tear filled, blue eyes.

Sakura pouted, looking at the blonde guiltily but clutching the chocolates closer to herself. The blonde was her best friend, she loved him, really! But it was chocolate and-and-and she just couldn't give it up so easily, so she mutely shook her head, guilty pout in place even as she popped yet another piece of chocolate into her mouth.

Naruto could only gape as she pouted ohsofreakingcutelythatitshouldbeillegal before she slippped another one of those deliciousbutohsoevilandhated chocolate pieces in between her ohsosoftandpinkandamazinglykissable lips.
Oh, he couldn't handle it any longer.

"Well, I asked nicely and it didn't work, so no more Mr. Nice Guy!" He declared and before Sakura could even look at him confusedly, he had stood up, turned, held her chin, and crushed his lips to hers.

Sakura could only sit in shock as Naruto gently but firmly molded his ohsosoftanddamntasty lips on hers. Gaining courage from the fact that she hadn't pushed him away, Naruto slipped his tongue out and gently licked her bottom lip, taking in the taste of chocolate and her natural sweet vanilla flavoring.

Gasping in shock at the fact that she was kissing her best friend and really really liking it  she opened her mouth and could only grip his shirt as his tongue dived in to explore. Because really who the hell thought that her sofreakingsexyandlovablebestfriend would be kissing her so thoroughly, and out of nowhere!!

A few seconds later he pulled away and smirked at her dumbfounded look. She could only stare at him as he smirked sexily and chewed, wait chewed!! THAT SLY LITTLE FOX, HE TOOK THE CHOCOLATE FROM MY MOUTH.

'Well what are you waiting for?! Show that blonde who's boss and kiss him again! AND THIS TIME DONT JUST SIT THERE!!! Really girl, the guy you have the biggest crush on just fricking made out with you and all you did was sit there in shock. GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME AND GIVE THAT BOY THE MINDBLOWING KISS HE DESERVES!!" Her Inner screamed and for once, Sakura agreed with her and leaned forward, hands sliding into his amazingly soft hair before she slanted her lips over his and giving him a kiss that would leave his mind hazy for the next month. This time he would be the one dumbfounded and she would be the one smirking.

And that, my friend, is how the two famous best friends of Konoha became the single most famous couple of The Village Hidden in the Leaf.


And DONE!! I don't really know if it's good or not, so please review and tell me what you think!! Also which couple you want next!! It can be Sakura x Any boy from Naruto.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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