Wenbe(I don't know names at all)

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Wendy's POV

I close my locker and start walkig through the school halls to the bus stop.
"Hey, Wendy!"
I turn my head around and see Stan.
I smile at him.

"Hi Stan! How's it going?"
I ask him happily.

"Okay... I, uh... have somethig to tell you."
He says.
I tilt my head, confused.
"I'm... breaking up with you."
My eyes widen a little.
"I'm sorry, I just... found someone else.
Don't worry, I didn't cheat on you, swear on my life, I just... sorry."
He says.
I don't speak.
He walks away.

I walk to the bus, slowly and emotionless.
He broke up with me... yeah, I don't like him as much anymore, but he left me for someone...
That basterd...
My feet drag as I go to a lonely, empty seat.

A few tears come to my eyes, but I refuse to cry.
Not yet...

The bus drives us away from the school.
When we reach the first stop, I get off, ignoring everyone.
I shuffle across the sidewalk.
It feels like forever before I stop walking and look up.
Les bos, that lesbian old bar, stands in the same place it's been since I was in fourth grade.

Why not?
Why not just spend my time away from boys for a while?
Besides, some girls are pretty hot, and tons of people have thought I was lesbian, so why not?
I inhale deeply and go in through the door.
Bar music plays and tons of girls sit with their girlfriends in booths.
I gulp and walk to a lone table.
I look up and see Bebe coming to me.

"Hey Bebe."
I say monotonously.

"First, I didn't know you were lez."
She sits in the seat beside me.
"Second, why so down?
You look like someone just died."
She asks.

I sigh and look back down.
"Stan broke up with me.
I mean, I didn't like him as much as before, but he left me for some other chick."
I tell her angrily.

"That basterd didn't deserve you."
She says.
I look up at her.
"Trust me, you have a right to be pissed, but he never deserved you.
The person who deserves you is some special person who's able to handle all that ass."
She gestures to my lower end.
I roll my eyes and feel myself blush a little.

"Bebe, a fly could handle this."
I put myself down.

"Damn lucky fly."
She says.

I raise an eyebrow.
"Are you flirting with me?
The famous Bebe hitting it off with a poor lowlife?"
I say, slightly flirting myself.
I've always thought of Bebe as hot, but now, we're in a lez bar where no guys are aloud to come in and wolf whistle at the action.

"Maybe, maybe not.
Do I detect a slight tone of intrest in your voice?"
She asks, smirking and snaking her hand around to my ass.

I simply say.
She grabs my butt and I squeel in suprise.
She starts getting closer to me and my face turns a bit red.

"You don't have homework or chores tonight, right, Miss Goody-two-shoes?"
She jokes around.

I giggle.
"Last I checked, no."

She quickly moves her head in and connects our lips.
I kiss her back.
Fuck Stan.
Who needs him?
I've got Bebe finally.

... yes, I've been crushing over her too.
So what?
We're in a lez bar.
No guys are here.
My parents, last I checked, would be fine with it.
I hope so.
Bebe is hot, and it'd be amazing to finally have a good reason to sock all guys that try to get her in their pants.

She licks my bottom lip and I slowly open my mouth.
I feel her tongue slip in and swirl around mine.
I moan, and she pulls awau after a bit.

"I'm so happy you don't have a boyfriend anymore."
She tells me, smirking.

I start, moving my head in and quickly pecking her lips.
"Me too."


That sucked major dick!
Well, not really, it's yuri, but still!!
This one was pretty horrible.
Oh well!!!
Who cares??
I'm a guy, I can't do this girl-girl stuff.
It's weird...


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