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Kenny's POV

What have I done?
I blew it!
I'm an idiot!!
My one chance, and I fucked it up!
I could have had him...
We could have been together...
It's my fault that we aren't!!
Damn, you're stupid, McCormick!!
You were preparing for it for weeks!!
You had it perfect!
But no!
You and your perverted little mind had to be all perveted-like and that's your reputation!!
You fucking idiot!!!

Two minutes earlier

"Hey Buttercup~~"
I call out to Butters.
When he looks at me, I motion for him to come over to me.
He does and smiles sweetly at me.

"Hey Kenny!
What do you need?"
He asks.

I take a deep breath in and remember everything I told myself to say.
"I need to tell you something.
But you have to promise you won't run off, okay?"
I tell him.
He nods.
I blush and inhale deeply.
"I really really like you..."
A bit of red flushes over his face.

"Like like?
O-or friend like?"
He asks.

"Like like."

He looks down and away from my eyes.
"Eric told me that I shouldn't be near you if you ever said that 'cause he said you would break my heart if I believed you."
My eyes widen and I stop breathing. My heart stops for a split moment.
"Sorry Kenny...
And just a little future thing, if you want to have sex with someone, you don't tell them you like like them..."
He walks away from me.
I just stare at him as he goes back to the lunch table with Cartman, Kyle, and Stan.
I look down.
After a few seconds of processing everything, I break into a run.

Now, back to the present

I punch the wall of the back of the school.
You hid it so well that your cover became reality for everyone else!
Now no one believes you when you try to be serious!
You idiot!

I pant as I continue to punch the wall in rage at myself.
My fists start to hurt, and I look at them.
My knuckles bleed.
I sit on the ground and hide my head in my arms.

What are you doing back here?
You should be in class!"
I turn my head and see a school staff.
I get up and start running home.
"Hey! Come back!"

I don't stop.
I keep running.
When I reach my home, I go to my room and curl up in a ball in a corner.

What's wrong with me?
I brought this upon myself.
I did this to me.
I shouldn't have been so stupid.
I made myself a lady's man when I don't even like girls.
I made everything think that I'm always a horny slut.
That's all that I can ever be now.
To many years have gone by for them to see me any different.
Cartman was able to change, but that happened over a period of time.
We're in 11th grade now; there's no chance at this point.

Three weeks later

"You guys found Kenny yet?"
Kyle asks his four friends.
Everyone shakes their heads.
Butters looks down.

"It's my fault..."
They all look at him.


"The day he went missing, he said that he like liked me, and I did what Eric said and rejected him because I thought he was lying.
When he didn't come to school the next few days, I realized he wasn't lying.
So I checked his house, and he wasn't there.
His parents didn't know where he went, he just left.
It's my fault..."
He says sadly.

Everyone goes quiet.
"Let's just keep looking..."
Stan says.
The five split up again.

Butters walks around, feeling sad as always.
He looks all around him, checking in the trees and bushes, under all the benches and rocks, and behind every building.
Still no sign of Kenny.

A week later

I go to the old lamp post, like every morning, and wait for dawn to come.
I see a folded paper on it with my name and pick it up.
If you're still alive and in South Park, please come to Stark's Pond.
We're all worried about you.
We just want to make sure you're still okay.
We're sorry if we did something wrong.
I stare blankly at the words and stuff the paper into my coat pocket.
I sigh and think about it.
I know they care, but what if they try to bring me back?
I'll just make a run for it if they try.
I'll go...

I start walking.
It's still dark, and no one is awake.
Except the people at the pond, if there are any.
Eventually, I make it there.
No one is around.
Go figure.

I turn to walk away.
My eyes widen at the voice.
I whip my head around.
"I'm sorry for not believing you..."
Butters stands there, looking down with his hands behind his back.
I just stare at him.
There's nothing I have that I want to say.
"A-and I wanted to tell you...
I like like you, too."
My expression changes to an almost shocked face.

"You do?"
He nods, avoiding my eyes.
I walk over to him, and he instantly pecked me on the cheek.
I feel my face heat up.

"Eric told me to stay away from you if you ever said that.
He said to start talking to you again after a couple weeks, and if you kept trying to get me the whole time, I could be with you."
He tells me.

I feel tears come to my eyes as I realize how hungry, cold, and tired I actually am.
My legs get weak.
"Can I stay at your house tonight?"
I ask trying to keep my balance.
Butters blushes.
"Not that!!
Not that, I just-"
I fall over.
He helps me back up.

We walk to his house.
When we get there, he forces tons of food down my throat, tons of medicine into me, and sends me to sleep.
He fixes half of his bed so it has thousands of blankets and pillows.
"Sleep well, Kenny.
I have yo go to school, okay?"
I nod as I bundle into the blankets and close my eyes.

"Thank you Buttercup."

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