1. Young, Wild and Trapped

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The smell of peppermint and Victoria’s Secret perfume filled my nose. That only meant one thing. My mother was in the room.

“Daphny! You haven’t answered me!” She snapped. “I asked you where you were last night.” Under the blue satin sheets I rolled my eyes and gave an annoyed “Humph!”

“Why do you even care?” I said bitterly from my bed. I felt my comforter being yanked from above my head making the bright light from the sun sting my eyes. The first sight that met me was my mother, frowning, wearing a pencil cut skirt, and leather jacket all probably from Prada. Dark red lipstick colored her pursed lips and her honey-blonde hair was tied up in a professional ponytail.

“Sarah said you were out drinking.” She said. I frowned, why did she even care about where the hell I took my troubled ass to? A bubble of anger appeared in my brain for my mother, for Sarah; my cold-hearted care-taker, and basically, life. My mother gave me a vexed look, “You’re grounded for the weekend.” I was expecting that, but I really didn’t care. I could easily slip out especially with my mother gone 90 % of the time and Sarah usually asleep or watching boring Soap Operas on television.

My mother walked to the door, slammed it, and I heard a loud ‘click’ meaning I was being locked in. ‘Oh great! Locked in again.’ I thought to myself. I was used to being locked in. Ever since a therapist had deemed me a ‘troubled minor’ I was constantly watched over. I did go to a regular University though but with multiple detentions and suspensions from school. Since my mother was gone 24/7 most of the time, I had a care-taker. Sarah. It was she who made sure I was kept in constant guard, but made a poor job at it.

In my eyes, I wasn’t troubled, just miserable. I was given everything I desired and I could easily get what I wanted with a wave of my hand. ‘Rich, spoiled, and disturbed’ was my professor’s description of me. But who could blame me for that? I was brought up with practically no parents, since my dad had run off with a dark-haired show girl when I was 12, and my mum being a world-famous clothes designer, was away for most of the year. I did have one sister though, and she was the only person in family who loved me. But she moved had moved to France over a year ago to study culinary arts. Therefore I had no one, no parents and no siblings.

As for friends, I had a few of them most of them also rich and miserable.


My phone buzzed, from somewhere under the sheets. I took it and read the message.

‘Going to the movies. You coming?’

The message was from my friend Jen. Her dad was a successful businessman with a screwed up marriage. Like me, Jen was rich and often deemed ‘disturbed’ but I knew what she really was. She was confused and hurt.

‘Sure! Need to get out of this hell hole.’ I pressed ‘send’ and got up to get ready.

   I pushed off the sheets and stood up, the carpeted flooring tickling my toes. I walked to my bathroom and stepped in unto the cold tiles. I stripped off my clothes, stepped into the shower, adjusted the thermostat, and turned the tap.

Warm droplets of water slid down the wet strands of hair. I took the towel that hung behind the mahogany door and dried my body and hair. Once outside, I walked to my huge walk-in closet so that I could pick out an outfit. After a few minutes, I decided on a black hoodie, black jeans, and a pair of purple Supras. I stood in front of the mirror and applied mascara, dark eyeliner, and lip gloss. I stuck a pair of cross-shaped earring in my pierced earlobes and put on a necklace with a key pendant hanging from the silver chain.

I looked at the finished result in the full-length mirror and I saw a girl with pale skin, a nose with an aristocratic point, and thin red lips. Dark eyeliner lined her stormy green eyes, her wavy hair layered and was dyed violet. That girl was me. It was probably the stormy look in my green eyes that had dubbed me a ‘troublemaker’.

I shut the lights in my closet and went to my window. I lifted it and grabbed hold to the nearest branch of the huge oak tree outside my bedroom window. I often went out this way, locked in or not, since I liked slipping in and out unseen. I climbed down the tree’s rough bark and down on the grassy lawn. I quietly sneaked to the side of the house and peaked into the living room’s window. I saw Sarah laying on the sofa in front of the huge flatscreen her old head nodding. It was almost as if I could hear her snoring from here.

I climbed over the gates of the house and stepped out on the cemented pavement of London. Freedom at last.


   From the distance I saw Jen standing in front of the cinema. Her dark red hair falling down to her chest, some of it was flying whipping across her face. I walked over to her and gave her a hug from behind.

“Hey Jen-Jen!” I squealed. She turned and looked at me. Her blue-grey eyes beaming and her dark red lips curled into a smile.

“Hey Daph! How are you?”


She nodded her head in understanding. Unlike most people, Jen understood me and how I felt. Being ‘locked in’ was a normal thing for her too.

“What are we watching?” I asked.

“Silver Linings Playbook.” She said, handing me a ticket and a bucket of popcorn.

“I heard that Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in that thing.”

“I heard that your mum was the costume designer.” She said. I nodded. My mum was. I had caught a glimpse of Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in my mum’s studio on the day of their fitting.

“Whatever. Let’s go!” I said, pulling her by the wrist and dragging her into the movie house.


After the movie we were busy discussing how amazing Jennifer and Bradley were in the movie.

“And we share the same name!” Jen squealed. I chuckled and shook my head. I stole a glance at my watch.

“Gotta go before the control freak catches me.” I said (referring ‘the control freak’ to Sarah). I said goodbye to Jen and ran home.

When I got to the gates of my mansion I climbed over it and landed lightly on my feet. I ran to the oak climbed it and stepped into my room through the open window. I took of my hoodie, ruffled my hair washed off my makeup, and jumped into bed, to make it look like I was in bed all day. The sound of footsteps were heard on the stairs and I heard the door being unlocked.

 Betsy, one of my favorite maids, stepped in carrying a tray of Nando’s.

“In bed all day huh?” She said smiling. I nodded and smiled back. She layed the tray on the bed beside me. “Got your favorite.”


She stood up and walked out of the door. “Poor soul.” I heard her mutter, not unkindly. I guess I was at everyone’s pity.

(A/N) Hey guys! I decided on starting this new Niall fanfiction! Hope you all like it! – Beatrice

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