4. Reunion

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It's HIM.

Dear Lord.

Shoot me now.

It's been so long..... why the hell didn't I recognize him the first time I saw him? Maybe he looks less like a fat git now and more like a gorgeous super model. Did I just call him a gorgeous super model? What. The. Major. Fuck.

This isn't acceptable. My mind is on fire thinking of something to say, but there's no apparent need for that because he talks first.

"Daphy! I can't believe it's you!" he says with a wide grin. I nod, but I am not happy about this. Not at all. I hate Niall Horan. I always have. Okay fine, I never really hated him I just.... Just.


In happened back when I was fifteen. I had just come fresh from my break up with my asshole of a boyfriend, and I clearly was still very unstable. I went to visit my spoit, but rich cousins in Ireland, since my mum was insisting. I had just come from a very depressing day. My cousins and I fought, I  called them all 'selfish fucktards with no life'

I was yelled at by my aunt. Naturally.

I was miserable about my breakup. My cousins were being assholes. I had no one. So I sat on the pavement crying my heart out, feeling completely alone and completely depressed.

Then he came along. Chubby, blue-eyed, blonde, and nice. He came right up to me and asked, "What's wrong?"

I told him to go away and leave me alone but he didn't give up.

"It's just a question." he said innocently. His blue eyes looking into my green (now red due to all the crying) ones. I just shook my head at him as the tears continued rolling down my face. Finally, he took a step back, shoved a hand into his pocket, and said, "Tell you what? I'll buy you an ice cream cone of you stop crying, and just tell me what happened so I can help you out. Fair deal?"

I lifted my head to look up at him. Not so tall. Chubby. But with the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes I'd ever seen in my life. He wasn't even hot. Cute, yes, but not model-gorgeous. But the eyes. Sweet Lord, his eyes made all the difference.

I know it sounds crazy to accept that kind of offer from a stranger, but this boy did not in the slightest of ways, look menacing. He did not at all look like type who would kidnap you and sell you for sex slavery. He looked like he was just my age.

So I said yes. I stopped crying, wiped my sweaty palms on my skinny jeans and shook his hand.

"Done." I said.

He smiles showing his crooked teeth. "I'm Niall." he said.


He smiled even wider.

"Well Dapnhy, there's an ice cream parlor down the street if you'll come with me."


Niall's here. And he's smiling at me right now. His teeth no longer crooked, but  perfect, straight, and white. No longer chubby, but built and muscular, (and well....hot), no longer cute, but drop-dead gorgeous. But his eyes. His eyes are the same. The same gorgeous shade of blue.

"So you two know each other?" The guy with dark brown hair says, looking from Niall to me in amusement.

"Yeah, Louis." Niall says grinning wider, "We met five years ago."

"Five years?" Liam says, eyebrows raised.

"Yup," Niall continues, "We were friends."

They all look at me now. Including Niall. Who's wearing a huge grin on his face. I shrug and say, "Yeah, we talked a lot."

Niall laughs, "I remember buying you ice cream all the damn time!" he laughs again.

I crack a small smile, "Yeah, well....."

Niall shakes his head at me, but he's still smiling. "I can't believe it."

"Yeah, neither can I."

"So hold up a minute!" The guy called Harry says putting his hands up in confusion, 'how'd you guys meet?"

"We met in the summer." Niall begins to explain. I don't want niall to tell them about the crying. I don't want him tell them anything about us for that matter.

So I decide to jump in.

"It was one summer. I met him in Mullingar when I went to visit my cousins. We used to hang out sometimes."  I say, shooting Niall a glance.

Harry nods, "Huh. That's cool. How come you didn't recognize him the first time?" He asks.

I shrug, "He just looks different now." I say, trying to smile.

"How different?" Niall interrupts.

"You look......" I look Niall over and then grin. "You look like puberty finally remembered you existed and then took it's toll on you."

The boys laugh. And Niall does too. He crosses his arms over his chest and cocks an eyebrow at me, "Pffft. That's just girl talk for, 'Niall you look so hot right now.' he says.

I cross my arms over my chest and cock and eyebrow at him, mimicking him. "Oh really now? You're not hot. You're just..... mature-looking now. No more baby-face."

Niall rolls his eyes at me, "You're just to chicken to admit my sexiness."

I smirk at him, "Whatever, Horan."

Horan. I used to call him that. A lot.


Niall's POV

Daphny smirks at me, "Whatever, Horan" she says.

I grin. She used to call me that a lot. I swear though, Daphny has gotten so much hotter over the years. When I'd met her, she was pretty but not hot. But now.... she's absolutely gorgeous and ridiculously sexy. When I met her crying that day, I'd felt sorry for her. I wanted to cheer her up, I couldn't stand seeing her cry like that.

So I went over to her and tried to be nice and friendly. It worked. (for the most part) She stopped crying, but she still wouldn't tell me much on why she was crying in the first place. She did become happier though. I'd even managed to coax a few smiles and laughs from her.

I liked her. She liked me.

We hung out. A lot.

But then the summer was over, and she went back to London, and I haven't really though of her much.

Till now.

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