wakey wakey!

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"Greetings." a voice said over a loud speaker. "Wakey wakey!" it said, as the three agents woke up from their drug induced sleep. The three were in a small glass room within a warehouse. On the other side of the glass wall was a short man, who had yellowed teeth and messy brown hair, which framed his chubby face. The man laughed, as his voice echoed on the speaker. "You'd think that three FBI agents would know better than to drink champagne without checking with whoever delivered it to them, huh?" Reid and JJ looked at each other as soon as they awoke and instantly embraced. "Aw, how precious, hmm, looks like it's not looking good for third wheel over here, eh?" the voice echoed. "Morgan!" Reid yelled, relieved and horrified to see him there. JJ and Reid held each others hands as JJ realized what had happened. "Reid, what the hell are we gonna do." she whispered, unsure of what the unsub wanted, and what had happened. The two were still in their bathrobes, as Morgan sat only in his boxers, as he passed out while enjoying a sip of champagne before bed. "Oh yes, I do suppose you all would like to change of clothing." The man grinned as he grabbed three outfits from the table next to him. "What the hell," Morgan whispered, as he realized they were the outfits that they had packed for the next day. The man laughed at Reid, Morgan and JJ's fearful looks. "Oh yes, and Reid, JJ, how did you enjoy your honeymoon suite, compliments of Derek Morgan! And Morgan, ah, wasn't it so sweet of Ms. Jennifer here to provide you with your very own balcony suite!" the man laughed, opening up a small slot in the wall to give the three their clothing. "It wasn't you was it," JJ said to Morgan as he shook his head. "Ditto." JJ whispered. "Change, won't you! I'm exceptionally generous as you can see, I provided you with clothing, and a lovely night at the hotel, JJ and Reid." the man said laughing. The three looked at the man confused, and furiously. "Oh. I see, you want some privacy don't you!" The man laughed as he turned away from the three. They quickly changed into their outfits, as Morgan turned away in respect of the twos privacy. "Thank you Morgan," JJ whispered, trying her best to smile at his act of being a gentleman. "Okay times up." the man said, turning around to see his hostages now fully dressed. The man sighed. "Do you like it?" The man asked, looking into JJ's eyes, then into Morgan's followed by Reid's. "Like what," Reid said quietly and curiously. "Like your outfits." the man responded, smiling. "Shut the hell-" Morgan said being cut off by Reid. "Yes. Thank you, you're, very kind." JJ replied looking at Morgan and then Reid. Reid and JJ nodded heads at each other and gestured for Morgan to do the same. "Thanks." Reid said, smiling at the man. "Yeah," Morgan said sarcastically. "I'm very glad. Well it's almost bed time, so get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning with your favorite, a strawberry pop tart for Sarah, toasted with a dollop of whipped cream on the top. And for Jerry, some lucky charms with extra marshmallows of course, and for Alexander, my sweet Alexander, a grapefruit sprinkled with extra sugar and of course a scoop of chocolate ice cream. Sleep tight sweet kids. I'll see you in the morning." The man said, before leaving the warehouse. "What was that all about." Morgan said to Reid and JJ who certainly knew more than he did. "Listen, the unsub thinks we're children, more specifically Jerry, Alexander and Sarah. He asked us if we liked it suggesting that he wanted reassurance for his kind deeds" Reid said being cut off by Morgan. "How is kidnapping us against our will kind?" "He thinks he's protecting us. We're his kids." JJ interrupted. "He most likely lost kids of his own, either to child protective services or to his ex wife in a custody battle. It's a long shot but the kids could even be dead. And he could've killed them." Reid said. "So we're gonna profile this guy is what you're telling me." Morgan asked. "Yes, and we have a few hours to do it. It's about three now according to the clock on his table across from us, and he will most likely be back around seven to nine to give us our breakfast. We need a way into this guy's head and we need one fast." JJ said, as the three nodded their heads.

💖 okay so I'm in love with this idea! I know I wanted something like this to happen and now that I've thought of a solid idea I'm very happy with it! please comment and give feedback, I'd appreciate it!💖

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