Chapter Two

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Gym class; the sole enemy of every high school student. Being a former acrobat myself, I actually enjoy gym class, especially since it's currently the Gymnastic Unit. My teacher, Mr. Kilmer, and I have a mutual understanding that I'm capable of doing whatever in this unit. All I need to do is a quick demonstration for the class at the beginning of the class and I'm allowed to work by myself for the period.

After changing into my white tank top and black tights, I make my way into one of the gyms with the gymnastic equipment. Instead of joining my other classmates on the bleachers for attendance, I go to the set of rings hanging from ceiling.

Setting my bottled water down on the floor by the mats, I then do some light stretches. After grabbing onto the rings, I let myself hang from the rings, loosening my muscles slowly. I ignore the chatter from the students as the teacher walks in, choosing to close my eyes instead and focus on my breathing as he introduces my demonstration.

Taking this as my cue, I open my eyes and lifts myself up and keep my arms steady. Swinging my legs back and forth slightly, I gain enough momentum to push myself forward until I'm upside down. My back muscles tense as I lift my legs up into a horizontal hold perpendicular to my body. All the while feeling the familiar burning sensation in my abdomen and arms. Raising them up so I'm vertically straight, I take a deep breath in before swinging my legs down with enough force that I flip into the air, briefly letting go of the rings. After performing a well skilled flip, I grasp onto the rings once more, pushing myself into another flip away from the rings. Curling in on myself, I flip once, twice, three times before uncurling and rolling on the floor to stand up safely.

At the applause and awed sounds of my classmates, I let myself do a small bow before smiling at the teacher. Nodding to me, he dismisses me before turning my class to give instructions.

'Man I love this unit.' I take a sip of my bottled water while wiping the sweat from my forehead. I guess they were dismissed because soon after the students disperse and start practicing in groups.

I use the rest of the period to practice some moves on the pommel horse. After working for half an hour, I take a quick water break, grabbing my water bottle for a drink, when I'm startled by another classmate.

"Hi!" Startled, I turn around to see some ginger kid smiling at me. "I'm Wally, I just wanted to say that I really liked your performance on the rings."

A little shocked, I just lower my water bottle and nod. "Thanks, was no big deal." I finish, still unsure of what was going on. Deciding that I should get going, I turn around to head to the empty uneven bars when I'm stopped once more.

"Wait, could you tell me your name?" Wally asks in a rush, obviously a little flustered judging by the light blush adorning his cheeks.

"It's Richard, but my friends call me Dick." I respond, immediately pissed off when he starts laughing.

'I knew this was a mistake. I should have just left when I had the chance.' Rightfully mad, I turn and walk away, not wanting to put up with him anymore.

As I leave, Wally's laughter cuts short, his voice remorseful as he calls after me. "H-hey!" Rushed footsteps follow me as the redhead runs after me, darting in front of me so I don't leave. Giving me a weak smile, he rubs his arm nervously. "I'm really sorry about that, I didn't mean to laugh. It just, sort of, came out."

Before I can respond, I'm interrupted by our teacher blowing the whistle. We both look around to see the others heading to their respective locker rooms. Taking this moment to get away, I walk purposefully into the boy's locker room, edging past the clutter of boys in between lockers to mine own. Quickly changing, I grab my bag and leave the locker room before anyone else. I'm just about to head into the hallway when I hear footsteps behind me.

"So," I mentally groan when I recognize the familiar voice, "what class do you have next?"

"AP Trigonometry." I ground out, taking pleasure at the shocked look on Wally's face.

"T-that's a really advanced advanced." He stutters in shock.

I shrug. "I guess. Why are you following me?"

"Well, I really want to get to know you." He grins, trying to charm me.

"Yeah well," I glare at him, "I don't want to get to know you." I finish, walking away while picking up the pace.

"Aww! Don't be like that." Wally whines, but he soon gives me a grin. "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."

I falter as I walk when I hear the familiar lines, my mouth twitching upwards into a smile. "Are you seriously about to do this?" I ask, turning to him to see he has a hand out while standing next to me.

He ignores my question and continues on while smiling. "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief. That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. Be not her maid, since she is envious;"

By now I'm laughing so much that tears are running down my cheeks. Holding onto my sides, I wave my hand at him. "S-stop! Stop it, I can't take it!" I'm relieved to hear him stop reciting the lines from Romeo and Juliet. I open my eyes and see Wally with a star struck look on his face, he quickly snaps out of it and stands in front of me, returning my smile.

"So....Are you going to Stacy's party Saturday night? If so, we can pick up our little play again there."

Staring into his eyes, I see no hint of malice, only mirth and intrigue. "Yeah, my friend is actually making me go."

I'm pleased to see blush adorning his cheeks, making heat creep up the back of my neck as well. "T-that cool, um, I'd really like it if we could hang out...If that's alright with you." He stammers out, fidgeting with his hands.

A bit shocked, I blink a couple of times before giving him a small smile. "I'd like that...."

By now we've reached my class just as the bell rings for passing period to begin. Wally blushes a bit and stammers out a bye before sprinting to his class. Looking back at me occasionally, resulting in tripping over his feet.

'Maybe it won't be so bad'  

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