Chapter Five

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Richard's POV

"...Hm." I let out a quiet sigh, struggling to fight against the heavy weight against my eyes.

Lifting a hand up slowly, I rub my eyes while stretching my back with a satisfying pop. My body clock telling me that I've slept in, something I rarely do.

"Mmmmnnn....." I freeze when I hear someone else in the room besides me.

Risking a glance around the room, I take stock of everything in its original place, nothing out of sorts besides my clothes from yesterday placed on my desk. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something shift on the floor. My heart beats wildly against my chest, my mind in a jumbled haze.

'I don't remember inviting anyone over.'

Taking a deep breath, I calm myself before turning on my side to look over my bed.

Only to chuckle quietly to myself.

In front of me, sprawled out on his back with his limbs spread out on the inflatable bed, is a certain red head. Drool slowly slides down Wally's chin as he snores quietly. His blanket is placed haphazardly over his waist, doing nothing to cover up his striped boxers and t-shirt riding up his stomach, revealing a nice set of abs.

After admiring the work of beauty that is Wally's abs, I snap out of it when Wally lets out a quiet snore. Giggling quietly, I grab my own blanket and lower it until the corner of it is just above his nose. Remaining quiet, I swing the blanket lightly enough that it tickles the redhead's nose. His nose scrunches up adorably as he sneezes quietly.

I then notice that he's starting to wake up, judging by his eyes slowly opening. Quickly closing my eyes, I feign sleep, trying to regulate my breathing as I listen to Wally's movements.

I can't tell what he's doing, all I know is that he's moving around until he finally settles down. The temptation to take a peek is killing me as I resist the urge to do so. Just when I'm about to sneak a peek, I'm then crushed by the weight of a 120 lbs. teenage boy.

"Ah!" I yelp in surprise as Wally flops down on top of me. Smothering me as he buries his face against my pillow, his shoulders tremble as he laughs. "Wally! You're crushing me!" I complain, pushing against his shoulders as I laugh at his ridiculousness.

All I get in response is a laugh as he lifts his head. "This is what you get for messing with me while I'm trying to sleep!"

Laughing, I push against his shoulder hard enough that we roll over. After wrestling each other for some time, we somehow end up falling off the bed and onto the pile of blankets on the floor. Letting out a yelp as we fall, I close my eyes while waiting for the impact. But instead I feel Wally shift us so he's below me, taking the blow for himself.

"Oof!" He groans, wincing slightly as he stares up at the ceiling.

I give him a weak smile as I lift myself up on my arms. "Sorry! Are you okay?"

He lets out a weak laugh as he closes his eyes. "The things I do for love."

I freeze as soon as I hear that, my chest starting to tighten. 'H-he likes me?...He likes me??' I think to myself, my hopes starting to increase at the thought of my feelings being returned.

He must have felt me tense up, because as soon as he realizes what he said, he tenses up and stammers out a reply. "I-i mean...."

Unable to breath, I stare at him in shock. "Do you really mean that?"

Staring up at me nervously, he hesitates before nodding slowly. "Y-yeah. I know that this is all sudden and that I probably seemed like a jerk to you when we first met, but I've had feelings for you for a while now. I understand if you're not into guys, neither am I, I guess I'm just bi. But if you really hate the idea of us going out, then please don't tell anyone. I-i can't stand the thought of you hating me and using this against-"

Deciding enough's enough, I lean down and kiss him gently. As I press my lips against his warm ones, I feel him tense up under me. I pull back and give him a loving smile. "You talk too much." Staring up at me in shock, my red head quickly snaps out of it. He gives me a smile before leaning up and giving me a tender kiss.

I thread my fingers through his hair, loving the feel of his soft hair between my fingers. Curious, I part my lips slightly, sliding my tongue over his chapped lips. Immediately understanding what I want, Wally opens his mouth, sliding his tongue against mine. We both press our tongues together, giving playful little nips along the way. It's not a kiss filled with lust or ferocity like most books say. Ours is tender, caring, and gently. Something so sweet that it makes your toes curl.

The next thing I know, I'm chuckling against his lips. Pulling back, I open my eyes to see him perplexed. "You have morning breath."

Wally leans up and pecks my lips. "So do you."

Laughing together, I lay my head on his chest, loving the sound of his heartbeat, despite it being rapid.

'I think I can get used to this.'  

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