Chapter 1

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                  Olivia sighed as she waited for her plane to be called to board, 4 years she's managed to avoid the soul-sucking town she called home. 4 years she's been able to be herself and not be judged by decisions she's made and things she's done. She wasn't that immature girl who was dorky and wore glasses and chased after her brothers douche of a best friend anymore.

                  No, she was a strong independent girl who learned about contacts in her first year of university. She actually had a sense of style now thanks her godsend of a best friend Kaitlin, who knew the entire story behind her and her brothers best friends past, and how she broke her best friends heart without even knowing. To say that Olivia was not looking forward to this wedding was an understatement, not that she didn't love Alyssa (her brothers fiancé) she had even become close enough to become her maid of honor. Which proved to be a difficult position to have without returning home once since the proposal, but somehow she'd done it. She'd successfully helped plan this wedding. Alyssa was going to look beautiful and all was going to go smoothly. She hoped.

            The call for seats 17-37 on flight 374 direct to Turtle's Bay pulled her from her thoughts, she grabbed her bag and walked over to the flight attendant handed her passport and ticket and made her way to her seat. She sat down and quickly fell into a sleep that would be filled with nightmares of one the person who broke her heart exactly 4 years ago 3 days from now. Zach Callingwood; the boy who every girl loved, the boy that was cruel enough that he would kiss you and the publicly humiliate you when you said you loved him, the boy who was best friends with your brother the same brother that never found out and still believed all was well.

                 Being woken up by a flight attendant after the plane is empty is a little embarrassing, as Olivia found out whilst she was being shook awake by the 40 something attendant who looked like she needed to retire early. Shyly apologizing she scurried off the plane to grab her bags and hail a cab only to be surprised to see her brother standing there, arms held wide open and ready for a big long hug; the ones he knew she loved. "Travis!!!!!!" screamed Olivia as she jumped into his arms and squeezing tightly never wanting to let go of her older brother. "Hey Liv" he said clutching his sister tightly he'd missed her. "What are you doing here?!?!?" asked Olivia still squeezing her brother as though she hadn't seen him in 4 years, oh wait she hadn't. "Alyssa suggested I come and pick up my only sister who I haven't seen in years instead of going out for a beer with Zach and Josh" he replied shrugging. Olivia gulped Zach... The boy that had left her broken with millions of pieces to pick up, she wasn't ready for him; she couldn't face him. Not yet. Curiosity of who Josh was pushed her to further subject that included Zach. "Josh? Who's he?" staring into her brothers eyes searching for some type of clue of to who the mystery man named Josh was. "He's uh... Well first and foremost he's my really good friend but... ahh uhhh Lyssa has... uhhh... Forget it! I told Lyssa she could explain it herself, I mean you're my baby sister you shouldn't even like guys!" he continued on muttering things to himself. 

            Olivia quickly shuffled over and grabbed her suitcase while he had his little talk with himself. "Ready to go?" she asked as she lugged her suitcase toward the door exiting the airport. Still quietly muttering things he nodded grabbing her suitcase and rolling it to the car. The car ride was quiet for the first few minutes then Olivia and her brother began screaming the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen in the car and every other oldie that came on the radio.

                       When they arrived at the house of Travis and Alyssa, Olivia was impressed it was on the beach, it was a good size at least 5 bedrooms and it had yard with a white picket fence. Just as Olivia was about to open the door to the car to get out Travis stopped her "When you open the gate if you let Charlie out I will be killing you after you chase him down for 3 hours." Nodding slowly Olivia approached the gate with caution searching the yard for what could be the 'Charlie' that her brother spoke of finally out of the blue she saw a little brown ball of fur came bounding towards the gate and wagging his tail happily, ready to greet the new visitors. "Oh my gosh!" screeched Olivia as she threw her purse to the ground and ripping the gate open to quickly scoop up the little puppy and cuddle it. Charlie gave her a quick lick on the cheek and Olivia melted, puppies were her weakness she adored puppies and anything cute and furry. Right after Charlie, Alyssa came bounding out of the house to scoop Olivia into a big hug that Olivia could tell was a hug of relief to finally have her Maid of Honor here in the flesh.

                   "Yeah sure guys no problem I got the bags, you just go inside and have a cup of coffee and chat." Said Travis sarcastically Olivia and Alyssa looked at each other in a similar knowing smile and unanimously said "Okay have fun!" and walked into the house. Travis stood there, jaw unhinged at the fact that his guilt trip hadn't worked. He then grumbled a few select words about how he always got the short end of the stick and struggled up the path with all the bags in tow. Olivia has just entered Travis and Alyssa's house and to say she was in love was an understatement. The very first thing she saw was a beautiful marble staircase leading upstairs and to the right was the entrance to the kitchen and the left the family room. Alyssa practically dragging Olivia to the couch was talking animatedly about all that Olivia had missed and how happy she was that she was finally here for the bachelorette party, the bridal shower, and the "fun shower".

                  "Oh Liv! It's going to be such a fun 3 weeks then finally the wedding!" Sighed Alyssa as Travis clambered through the door panting with all the bags. "Next time you come home you're reduced to one bag only! Jesus woman." Panted Travis, Alyssa and Olivia giggled as Alyssa went and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Oh yeah by the way Alyssa who is Josh? Trav was mentioned about going out for a beer with him but instead he came to pick me up" Olivia asked curiously. Alyssa's cheeks reddened and Travis's face-hardened pretty fast. Alyssa bit her cheek nervously "What is it?" Olivia demanded "Come on tell me already" "Well Josh is a good friend of mine and uhhhhh well your brother couldn't think of which one of his other friends he wanted to be his other groomsman so I suggested Josh, but also because Josh is single and really really really cute and I thought that he would be perfect... and uhhhh yeah" Alyssa stammered quickly Olivia was lost... Perfect for what? 

                     Then it hit her...he was for her. Alyssa wanted to set her up on a blind date. "You want to set me up with this guy?!?!? Am I that sad that you had to set me up on date?" Olivia asked flabbergasted. "No no no that's not it at all I just think he's a really good match for you!" Travis snorted standing next to Alyssa. 

                   Alyssa turned on him and said "Well at least I'm not trying to stop her from ever dating someone!" "She's to damn young to be dating anyone! She shouldn't even like boys!" huffed Travis. Alyssa opened her mouth to retaliate but Olivia stopped them before they broke out into a fight 3 weeks before their wedding. "Hold it! Okay first off people I'm 20 years old going on 21 I am allowed to date people and like boys and think they are cute! Second off as sweet as the gesture is I don't think I really want to be set up with someone I've never even met."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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