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Rouge Pov~
Staring through the window, as many trees passed my eyes as if making the time pass a little faster. Everything seems like a blur when it comes to what Aunty told me a few weeks back.
"Where is Mitsuki? She was supposed to be here by now." Since school was let out, but Mitsuki had to talk with her classmate about an assignment, I decided to wait by the nearby park bench.

Sitting idly with my phone, I hear a faint sound coming from the distance, "Please come down!" Getting up, to see a little girl on the verge of tears, staring up at a tree. Curiosity getting the best of me, and seeing her upset, I walk up to her to see what's go on,

"Why are you crying?" She looks up at me, wiping her tears, "My kitty is stuck in a tree." I look up, and see a little white cat just relaxing on the branch, sadly not best looking on. 'This seems a bit complicated but doable.'

"How about I get him for you?" she stops crying. "You will do that for me?" I smile at her, "Of course." I start climbing the tree, until reaching the closest branch by the kitty, "Come here little kitten." I was reaching for the kitten in the tree from falling. It took a glance at me, seeing bright green eyes staring at me. 'Mmm. They look like...'
"Meow!" My thoughts are interrupted as the branch seems to be on the last will of hope, "It's okay. Just come to me." It looks frightened but slowly comes to me.

"That's it, come here. I'll protect you." I put my hand towards it to grab it. "Miss Faye, where are you?" 'Can't she please stop calling me that?' Rolling my eyes, as I see a flash of pink hair passing by.

"I'm up here Mitsuki." I said when she came over, as she also rolled her eyes, "Do I want to know why you're in a tree? Please get down before you hurt yourself." She crosses her arms over her chest, with a little smile.

"I am just trying to save the kitten." As I said, the kitty starts walking a little closer to my hand but seems too quick as the branch actually breaks. "Oh!" I immediately grasp the kitty to my chest as I begin free falling to the ground. "Miss Faye!" I landed on a branch and back flipped to my feet on the ground safely.

Mitsuki ran up to me, "Are you okay?" "I'm fine now Mitsuki." Glancing down, as those green eyes stare up at me; purring against my chest and couldn't help but smile. "You're welcome." "Thank you so much!" the little girl smiled up at me, as I handed her back her kitty. "Here you go. Be careful with him." "Thank you so much!" She hugs me and leaves.

"Alright, now can you explain why you were late, Mitsuki?" "Well your aunt called me to say she needs you home after school." "Wonder what for?" But Mitsuki shrugs, " Don't know. But the car is waiting for us by the school entrance."

"Okay." We begin walking back to school, "Oh, and please stop calling my Miss Faye when we're the same age." She laughs it off, "Force of habit sometimes. I am your helper after all." "I'm pretty sure best friends don't call each other that."
"You are right, Rouge." She smiled and I smiled back as we walked to the car.

"I'm sorry. Can you say that again?" My ears couldn't hear what aunty just said. "My darling..." "Aunty, Can you please explain that to me?" Aunty gives a deep inhale then exhaled, "I need a favor. You know your cousin Sunako?" Sunako...

"Sunako? Yes. We basically grew up with each other until I moved. Kept in contact until we both had....issues back." I think back with that boy from middle school that turned her world upside. "That boy was so rude to her. I blame him for what happened." "Well, she started living there a few days ago and I need you to make her into a perfect young lady. Like when I took you, I want the same influence like how I raised you to be."

"Is that why you chose me? To be a good influence? Me?" I could hear Mizuki chuckling behind me, enough for me to chuckle. "Yes, my dear. If you take the climbing trees and fights away, then yes. You are the best influence for her. Plus she needs more females around her to be a lady." I guess that's a good argument...but—

"If I do, what's the catch?" I sit with my legs crossed, "Because for what I know, she lives in another mansion. Is she by herself?" I see the look on aunty's face almost drop, "She lives in my other mansion with four other boys that are also living with her." "You want me to live with four boys I don't know?" Questions her and this whole idea.

"I will give all the information you need to know before going over there." Giving me slight relief. "Well what about school?" "You will transfer to the same school as them but you will have to go get your school uniform yourself." "And my parents? I'm sure my father did not agree with those terms." "Of course he did! How can you not trust your sister?!" I roll my eyes. "After going back' n' forth,with the help of your mother, we agreed on the terms with Sunako being there." "Proud of you, aunty."

"So, what do you say? You two were close like sisters. Please, Rouge?" Seeing her puppy dog eyes, every time with her new guy she has a daily day. 'I hope I don't regret this?' I sigh with a slight nod, then a bear hug immediately follows. "Thank you so much!"

'Why couldn't she pick someone else?' Taking a huge exhale, walking around the school after retrieving my new school. "I can't believe that it took so long to find the principal." I have my schedule and uniform ready for school.

'I have nothing else to do. I guess I'll tour the school.' I notice a bunch of people running the halls with cameras. 'What's with them? Whatever.' I walk and then see Sunako being chased by a group of people. 'Why are these people chasing her?' a flier fell to the ground. "Get 500 yen for taking a picture of the mysterious transfer student." Are you kidding?! This is some sick joke. Crumbling the piece of crap as search for Sunako to make sure she's okay.
"Where did they go?" I look everywhere but no sign of her anywhere. I was about to give up when I heard commotion in the storage house, "What was that?" Heading towards the noise, only to see three people blocking my path. "Huh? I quickly dive behind the column, hearing the conversation.

"How dare you hurt him? You hurt him! Apologize to this creature of light!" I hear Sunako say. 'Creature of light?' I hear a boy's voice. "I don't feel well.." "Sunako!" "Kyohei are you okay? You don't look so good. Sunako take him since you are partly responsible." Peeking out a column, I see Sunako carrying a blonde boy with three other boys around them.

"Wait. Why is Sunako Nakahara taking Kyohei home?" I hear to be a girl's voice...I think? "Because she lives with us." They all say.

'Really? So they are the four boys aunty mentioned.' Sensing a stare, I glance back up, the other blonde boy looking at me. 'Oops!' Quickly dodging back into the column. "Wait? Who was..." I hear footsteps come closer, "Why—" "Yuki, who are you talking to?" The footsteps stop, as someone stops him. "I saw a girl just a minute ago." "You're probably just seeing things. Let's go to class." As footsteps gots closer, rotate around the column; as I see them head out my direction.

"That was close." The blonde almost caught me. 'At least he was adorable.' I shrug with a chuckle, giving enough time for me to leave, 'This might be more fun than I thought.' Heading closer to the entrance, a limo pulls up; window pulls down to see Mitsuki. "Hello~" the limo driver opened my door, as I slid in next to her.

"Did you get your belongings for school?" "Yep and then some." Mitsuki raises a brow, "Huh?" "I saw something eventful and realized how this could be interesting." I state as I glance at the neighboring houses passing by. "You didn't blow your cover did you?" "Well...I did see a cute boy look at me, but I hid back before anyone else did. I didn't want the surprise to be blown away." She sighs, "You need to be more careful." "I know." I look out the window. 'But I know something else. This won't end up being boring as I thought.' I think I set my new life ahead.

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