Chapter 2

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"Oh I'm..." "Dinner is ready gentleman." They all stare at her. "Is something wrong?" She looks at me with surprise. "Is that you, Rouge?" "Hello Sunako. It's been a while" the rest looked back and forth with us until the brunette chimed in, "Sunako, do you know her?" "Um...yes, she is my cousin."


I was sitting in the living room while they were sitting watching Kyohei stuff his face with food. "More rice." "How can you eat without breathing?" 'Eat while you can. That will the last time you eat yet.' Sunako started speaking to herself. "Um Sunako?" Takenaga said. "What?" "We need you to be elegant lady by this Sunday." "An elephant caddy?" she said. "That's not even close!" Ranmaru said, "Why don't you try walking down the stairs like a lady?" she started turning purple. "Please we begging you please!" "No thanks." Sunako leaving. "Wait if you do it, you get this graphic horror movie." The boys threw up.  "Why not do something easier like manners." "Please!" I sighed. 'This is going to take a while. Like how I explained to them I'm Sunako cousin.


"What do you mean cousin?!" "Like she said I'm her cousin." I went up to Sunako standing right next to her. "Her aunt is my great aunt. Understand?" they nodded then Sunako said, "But what you doing here?" she looked at me, "I was told to help for you to become lady or something like aunty said to. But still don't get why me, so I'm here to stay." She sighed. "Fine by me." "That's great to hear. So these are the boys aunty been telling me about huh?" she nodded but they were confused. "Let me guess your names. Flirty Red-head is Ranmaru, cute short blonde is Yuki, bookworm brunette is Takenaga, and obnoxious tall blonde is Kyohei right?" they were shocked.

"Flirty?" "C-cute?" "Bookworm?" "WHO ARE CALLING OBNOXIUS?!" "How did you know are names?" "Aunty told me about what's going on here every time she come to visit you and what your personality is." then Ranmaru stepped in and grabs my hand, "What may I ask is your lovely name?" I smiled taking my hand away. "I'm Rouge Faye and touch me again I'll break your hand off. Okay?" he backed away, scared. "It's nice to meet you all." "DON'T IGNORE ME!" I look at Kyohei in the corner. "Yes I called you obnoxious." "Why you little...Agh." I kneed him stomach. "Don't call me anything or get worse." "Wow." I turn to see the boys terrified and Sunako behind me astonished. "You have gotten stronger when I last saw you." "Thanks. Sorry for that. I have a temper about certain things. Just don't make me mad okay?" they nodded. "Good. Now let's go inside."

Flashback end

Time skip

Everything was going okay then Sunako started speaking French but couldn't with blood on the floor from her nose. "Let's skip that and try smiling. Rouge can you help us with that?" Yuki said. "Y'all seem to be doing fine without me help, but make her say "we' like in French." She did but it made Yuki scared. "Let's practicing on her walking." Kyohei started whipping her to walk straight. 'She looks dead.' Next thing I know she falling the stairs. I rushed to her, "Sunako are you okay?" she looked at me, "My dear cousin, help me." "Now isn't the time to quit. Let's try it again." Kyohei picked her up but elbowed him in the back. "Oh I'm sorry did I hurt you?" she smiled though. "Come one, everyone is trying their hardest here. Even your cousin is here to help." "You will never understand. Pretty person like you don't have these problems why don't you leave me alone." "Fine, be that way ugly girl." Then he left. "Why would you say that? He didn't mean Sunako." She left. "What the hell did he just say?!" "Rouge calm down." "Calm down?! He has no right to say that to her!" I pissed off. "Sunako wait."  I was about to go to her but someone grabs my shoulder, "I think Sunako needs some time to herself." Yuki trying to calm me down. "Fine, I'm going to my room." I left slamming the door to calm down before I beat the crap out of Kyohei.

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