Chapter 13

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Third Pov~
*Bark* Kio was jumping up and down on carpet as Rouge plays with his chew toy, “Catch it.” Rouge rolls a small ball to the side of the floor and catches it in his mouth. “Good!” Rouge claps with excitement and Kio runs to her with the ball in his mouth. *bark* Kio jumps on Rouge and licks her, causing her laugh until the phone rings.

“Who could that be?” Rouge stands with Kio in her arms and answers the phone, “Hello?” ‘Hi! Is Ranmaru there?” a girl asks. ‘Great. One of Ranmaru’s fan girls.’ “He’s still asleep right now but I’ll let him know you called. Bye.” Rouge hangs up the phone. *bark* Rouge looks at Kio. “I know. It’s an extremely annoying to answer his calls but the boys are taking care of it.” Rouge sighs as pets Kio’s head.

“I see your relaxing.” Rei comes in the room with his coffee in his hand. “Yeah…did you go to coffee shop again?” “I did. Why? Did you want something?” “No. It's just that…ever since Mitsuki started working there, you have been going over there a lot.” Rouge smirks, “Why is that?” Rei glares, “Shut up. I just like their coffee and she makes how I like it.” “How would she know. From my knowledge, you drink coffee with extra vanilla cream, double shot of expresso, with milk foam, whipped cream with no sugar.” Rouge states.

Rei stands there speechless but a little smiles forms, “You really do know. Besides, even if I do go to visit her, she’s only a year younger than me. The only reason she’s not a teacher because she blends in as a student.” Rei shrugs. “So you admit you like her?” “I didn’t say that.” “But didn’t say you don’t.” Rouge and Rei argue back and forth.

“Um…guys?” The siblings turn around, to see Mitsuki walking in. “What are you arguing for?” “We were…” “Just talking about coffee.” Rei interrupts. “Oh! Okay. By the way, my boss wants you to know your ‘drink’ has been highly requested and has been given a name.” Mitsuki states. “That’s…” “…weird.” Rouge comments, then gets elbowed by Rei. “Ow.” Rouge glares and Rei smirks. ‘I’ll get you back.’ Rouge states. “That’s good. I better change out of these clothes. I’ll talk to guys later.” Mitsuki heads into her bedroom.
After the attempt to wake up Ranmaru, the boys were in the living room, along with Rouge’s head on Yuki’s lap, her legs on Rei’s lap and Kio with sleeping on her chest. “It seems you guys had a tough time waking him up.” Rei drinks his coffee. “Yeah. Those phone calls are getting annoying.” Takenaga sighs. “Very true.” Rouge says.

Then Ranmaru is seen walking into the living room, wearing his coat. “Hey are you going somewhere?” Rouge asks. “For a walk.” He states. “can you get me CD?” Yuki asks. “Oh, and a book.” “And bring me snacks!” Takenaga and Kyohei ask too. “No.” Ranmaru walks out the door. “What’s up with him?” Rei questions. “Don’t know.” Mitsuki walks into the room with tea and sits on the chair.

“Rouge?” Rouge turns to Mitsuki, “I heard you are starting a new job.” Mitsuki states, giving her cup of tea. “Oh yeah. I start in a few days. I haven’t had a job since I came here. I need to make more money.” Rouge sighs. “You’ve had a job before?” Rei asks. “No. Auntie wouldn’t let get a job. She wanted me to be lady plus I had too many after school activities to have a job.” Rouge states.

“Too many? Like what?” Yuki asks. “Well…gymnastics, ballet, karate, tutoring, student council, etiquette classes, and archery.” Rouge explains, leaving everyone shocked expect Mitsuki.

“How can you have a schedule like that and not sleep?” Takenaga asks. “I’ve already been doing gymnastics and ballet. Karate is for self-defense, which was something auntie and mom didn’t like and the rest is for a good university applications.”

“How does etiquette classes have to do with universities?” Kyohei asks. “Nothing. Auntie just wanted to me learn it.” Rouge shrugs, “Besides, I didn’t really mind it. Even though I was young, I knew the real reason why I had join all those clubs.” Rei glances at Rouge. “Rou?” Rouge shakes her head.

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