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Harry's POV

Sitting on the couch I ran a hand through my quiff, Niall had been gone for a good hour and a half and I've yet to find out what I did to make him so upset. I literally can't think of anything I've done recently to get on his bad side. Hearing someone clear their throat from behind me, I didn't even make an effort to move or try to look to see who it was. To be completely honest all I wanted to do was be alone...and think. Hearing them clear their throat once again, I sighed before getting up and turning around to see Jade. After Niall left, the boys and Leigh-Anne followed after him leaving me here with the Jesy, Perrie and Jade.

"Hey, are you feeling a bit better?" she asked looking up at me. Sighing I shook my head before sitting back down. "Not really, I can't seem to figure out what he's mad at me for" I mentioned as she nodded understandingly. I can see why Liam was so in love with her, she was gorgeous and knew when to be sensitive towards other people's feelings. "You can't think of anything that might've pissed Niall off?" she asked before sitting down beside me on the couch. Thinking, as hard as I possibly could, I finally shrugged looking back up at her. "I never said anything to Niall...if I did then I would know what the hell he was talking about" I groaned running my hand down my face. Hearing Jade lightly sigh I turned to look at her only to see that she was looking down with a slight frown.

"Do you think that maybe it could be a rumor...whatever you supposedly said or did to make him upset?" Shaking my head no I pulled out my phone opening my twitter. If there was a rumor going on about us then no doubt the fans would find out about it first. Scrolling through my news feed I stopped at a tweet. @HarryStyles Why would you diss Niall out in public? That is so rude, talking about how you wish the band was all British...dick move Harry, you used to be my favorite... >:( "Jade, I think I just found our problem..." I sighed showing her the tweet. "You said that about Niall?" she said sending me a small frown. Shaking my head frantically I frowned, "Jade do you really think I'd do that to Niall?" Grabbing a handful of my hair, I lightly tugged on it before lying back on the couch.

Before she could answer, the boys and Leigh-Anne came through the front door along with Niall, they finally found him. "Niall can you please tell me what the hell I did?" I asked getting off the couch as Niall glared at me in nothing but pure anger, I've never seen him this upset. "You know exactly what the hell you did!" he mimicked my voice. "Obviously not, but you're too much of a dick to notice!" I yelled back causing his eyes to darken. Uh-oh, I must've pressed the wrong button because instantly he charged at me but before he could get to me Liam and Louis had him held back while Zayn pushed me back. "Fuck you Harry! I hate you and if it weren't for the other lads I'd quit this band, I already get enough hate as it is I don't need yours!" Ouch that one hurt a lot. Completely speechless, I watched Niall with slightly wide eyes.

"Niall you don't mean that..." Liam sighed still keeping his grip on him. Roughly pulling away from both of them he looked back at me. "You think you know everything Harry, you're wrong, you think I didn't know that I was the only Irish one in the band? You think I didn't know that you guys were wishing the band was all British?" With that he walked outside as Leigh-Anne followed him. Feeling my eyes start to blur, I looked down scratching the back of my neck. "'s ok..." I heard Jesy say as Zayn soothingly patted my back. Sighing, I excused myself grabbing my beanie and coat before leaving. I just needed to go somewhere to get my mind off of things...

Jade's POV

Pulling up at Liam's flat to see his car there, I sighed in relief. After Harry left Liam was right behind him. This had to be one of the most conflicted years One Direction's been going through. From the issues I had with Liam, to now Harry and Niall. I know they were having a hard time through all of this, plus their tour coming up. It was all so much stress on them. Sighing I walked up to the door seeing he left it unlocked. Walking inside I looked around only to see the light on in the kitchen, that's got to be where Liam was. Looking inside I paused when I saw him on the floor leaned against the wall with a bottle of vodka in his hand.

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