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Interview stage, Eden Memorial Stadium

"We're ready in six minutes your Eminence." A stage hand said to me.

"Good, get the tributes ready for the interviews" I replied. Sadie and Revolutia arrived two minutes before we had to start.

"Where have you two been?" I asked them.

"Sadie got stuck in her dress so I had to help her" Revolutia said.

"I didn't get stuck, the zip wouldn't do up." Sadie harshly replied.

"I don't care. Take your places and get ready for the interviews" I replied. They both went to their seats and sat down. I sat down between them and waited for the tributes to enter. A small wooden opened on the far side of the room and the tributes soon entered from it. They then sat down on the chairs that were provided for them. I nodded at another stage hand who, after a few adjustments to a light rig, shouted "Action". This caused all the lights on the stage to flash bright as they all turned on.

"Let the interveiwing begin" I bellowed.



Write your characters interview with the Primarch, Sadie and Revolutia (Yes all three are interviewing at the same time.) You MUST also ask the following questions.

1. What are your views on the games and the other tributes?

2. Do you have a strategy to win?

3. Are you part of an alliance or are you looking for allies, and if so why?

4. Who would you like to sponsor you. Myself, Sadie or Revolutia. (Can be in any order)

5. Which sector would you like to start in. Palampolum, Sunleth Waterscape, Nautilus or Bodhum.

6. Do you have a rival and who is it?

In for next Wednesday. If you don't hand this in you will be eliminated in the first Task. (Only affects people who didn't hand in their OC entries. Also the entry needs to be longer than eight full lines of text.)

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