Chapter 3

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"Get off me!" i used all the aggravation i could muster up.

i don't like him against me like this. i could see the lust full look in his eyes as he moved back off me. And im no idiot i could feel the sparks that shot threw me when he grabbed my arm. And i know what they mean, and there was no way it was gonna happen not with some mutt.

with one more glare i turned and walked away from him. And with out another thought i walked right out the front doors and right off the school campus.

There was no way in hell i was gonna spend the rest of my day with that horny mutt following me around.


(Alex p.o.v)

And just like that it seamed like my mate just walked out my life. i seamed to brake my heart as she walked away. i had this sicking feeling in the pit of my stoumic that i wasn't gonna see her again.

i mean i know shes not a wolf but damn cant u give me a chance to get to know u so i can tell u ur my mate.

now mad i stormed back to the caf. with one person in mind.

once back in the caf i quickly found her. Amy was clinging to one of the football players. Again. i grabbed her wrist and pulled her with me out the caf with her whining all the way.

"Spill it." i growled as i pushed her up against the was and let her go.

"dear alpha i have no idea what u mean." her sweet and innocent act wasn't working on me. everyone in the pack knows shes far from innocent

"That girl! Who is she!?" i growled getting in her face. she flinched as i used my alpha voice.

"I don't know shes just some emo that keeps to herself." she whined. trying to cour into the wall behind her.

"what is her name!" i growled again with a warning.

"I think its Chrisy." she whined.

At getting the information i need i turned and stared to walk away but stopped and looked over my shoulder at Amy.

"If u lay another hand on her i will not hesitate to kick u worthless whore ass out of the pack."i growled lowly so only she could hear. Her face turned white but she nodded it response. i turned and walked back into the caf and went back to sit next to Kyle. practically banging my head on the table once i was sitting down.

"And that my dear friend is why we do not deal with Amy. so dude what happened?" Kyle asked poking at me. I lifted my head to glare at him.

"shes my mate." i sighed trying to wrap my head around it.

"What who? Amy?" Kyle questioned surprised. i sat up and glared at him.

"Not the slut u moron. Chrisy. that other girl that Amy was yelling at." i said hitting the back of his head for being stupid.

"Ooooh....." He scratched the back of his head. "U know i don't really know who she is."

that moron. Again i hit my head on the table sighing. "Thats the thing all i know is her name. And i had to get that from Amy."

"Well go ask her more dude." Kyle said like it was the easiest thing in the world. if she was a wolf it wouldn't even be that hard but shes human.

"Well no duh Sherlock" i hit him again

"Dude im trying to help! leave the back of my head alone ur giving me a headache." he gave me his pissy look. that look a kid gets when u take his candy. Granted it brought a smile to my face i sighed again.

"Sorry man. im just irritated she wouldn't even give me a min to talk to her she just took off as soon as she could and i cant follow her sent. i cant even smell her man. its seriously irritating." just then the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

"ill catch u latter man." i got up and started to my next class.


The rest of the day every spare min i could get i was looking for her but she wasn't anywhere to be found. even in the library.

She was gone. She must have left the school. I don't know when but i have a pretty good idea as to when. I even went around asking people about her i didn't learn much other then she has been a student here since she was a freshman and that she was a junior like me and kyle. Apparently she doesn't even have one friend and she never talks to anyone. but shes a strait A student never missing a day of school.

My poor little mate.

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