Chapter 4

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Nicole went through the records the second time. Her brows furrowed in concentration as she tried to get the accounts straight. A calculator at hand, a pencil in her mouth and her reading glasses perched on her nose, she stared at the papers in sheer concentration.

"Sim!" She yelled for a waitress. A long legged blonde walked into her cabin swaying her hips a little too much. Nicole couldn't help but roll her eyes at this long time waitress. "That's not gonna work" she said while Sim gave her a cheeky smile.

"One day boss. You are gonna give into this temptation" Sim said wriggling her eyebrows suggestively. Nicole shook her head dismissively,

"Get me something to drink. I have a migrane coming" she groaned removing her spects and leaning back on her chair.

"Sure. Marco's hot chocolate should do the trick" Sim said cheerfully knowing full well that her employer has a craving for chocolate. Nicole hummed in reply, relishing the memory of taste of hot chocolate with her eyes closed. Sim left to fetch her boss her ale.

Simmer was one of the first person's Nicole has hired. She was a high schooler, who didn't get into any college. Her being a homosexual didn't provide her any support from her parents or friends. She was all alone, lost and broken, more or less just like Nicole. When she hired Sim as a waitress, Sim couldn't be any more greatful. Nicole won not only her friendship but also her loyalty. She could trust sim with a blind eye, that's how close they were.

"Here you go, boss" Sim said cheerfully as she came back with a glasd of hot chocolate. Nicole was in the same position as she was when Sim left. "You gotta stop stressing boss" Sim sighed as Nicole straightened to takr the glass of heaven.

She moaned as she took a sip of the hot liquid. "You know you make that sound so..." Sim trailed off as Nicole raised her brows in question. Sim's flirty remarks were harmless but sometimes they got too much. One look from Nicole and she knew to shut up.

"But seriously boss", Sim said with seriousness, "you gotta stop stressing" she said.

"I can't stop stressing Sim. I wanna clear this debt off at once. I am sick and tired of giving away three fourth of my profits to the bank" she spat the word bank as if it was poisonous.
"That's the reason I need a job to pay off the mortgage. And what better than fashion industry?" She sighed sadly.

Sim looked at her boss's furrowed brows and stressed features and felt bad. Nicole was the reason she was off streets. Years back when she was broke and looking for a job, every other cafe or restaurant rejected her. No one wanted to hire a blonde with killer looks, assuming she was a bimbo with zero brains. With no job and no money Sim couldn't imagine how her life would have been if Nicole didn't find her that night at the bridge.

Now, she had a home, small but still, a place she could call home. Friends who actually cared and didn't judge her for her choices and lifestyle. A family who were everything to her. And recently she even met this wonderful woman Eva, with whom she was actually feeling something deep and real for once.

Eva. Eva!

And just like that an idea striked Sim. "You know what boss?" She smirked at her. Nicole knew something was up, with the look Sim was giving. "I think I can pull some strings for you" she said and flipped her phone to dial Eva.


".... and here is the list of the candidates who you need to interview tomorrow", Kelly said as she handed the file of candidates resumes and bio datas to Salim.

Salim took the file and opened them to go through the list. "Kelly, correct me if I am wrong, but weren't there 8 candidates up for the interview, until before I left for New Zealand?" he asked with a frown,

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