Chapter 5

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The air conditioned room was not at all helping the nerves of Nicole. She was fidgeting like a school girl who had been called into Principals office after getting caught doing something naughty. She bit her lip and let her eyes roam along the waiting area. There were four more women sitting beside and right across from Nicole, dressed in tight, formfitting suits which can be described in only one word - Fashionable. But that wasn't what was bothering Nicole, cause she wasn't dressed any less compared to these women. She wore black pencil skirt that reached below her knees and coupled it with a peach colored silk blouse. She paired her dress with gold ear rings and two slim gold bangles in each hand. 

Nicole looked confident. But that was it. She looked confident, not that she actually was. She took a deep breath to calm her raging nerves. 

She opened her file and looked through her resume for the final time. Perfect. She flipped the pages of the folder that she placed behind her resume. Her designs. It would be a shame if Salim Sheik didn't recognize her talent. Nicole wasn't over confident but she knew good work when she saw one. And she was extremely talented which she didn't doubt one percent. 

"Ms. Miller, Mr. Sheik will see you next" a petite woman, who introduced herself as Mr. Sheik's personal secretary, said politely. Unlike the other secretary's she came across in other office's she seemed genuinely warm and lovely. Nicole smiled, thinking how pleasant it would be working here with such friendly company. But alas, that is, if she got the job. Apart from lack of talent, there are other reasons for getting rejected for a job. Though she was extremely talented, she was a single mother of three kids who owns a coffee shop and not to forget, looking for a seasonal job. Who would want to hire a person who would most likely leave the job after a few months?

The woman, Ms.Miller, Nicole presumed to be, walked out of the office with a flustered look. She stomped all the way out of the room. Nicole looked shocked, it didn't take a genius to guess what must have happened. Clearly, Ms. Miller hasn't got things the way she wanted. 

"Ms. Thornton", Nicole's head jerked up at the mention of my name, "You are up" said the same lady. 

"Oh. Thank you" She said to the secretary and walked in. 

Kelly was taken aback. None off the other six women whom she called in thanked her or at least acknowledged her. They just passed by her as if she wasn't even there and Kelly didn't mind it because she was used to this kind of behavior. But hearing the words of gratitude, and that too when the person is not even aware of the words they have just spoken, meant something. She smiled at the closed door through which Ms. Thornton just went, hoping that she might get selected. Only Lord knew how Salim was keeping up with all those women who went in for the interview. They were 'no-brains-only-looks'. Or 'brains-looks but-complete-sluts'. She shook her head at the thought and sighed, waiting for the interview with Ms. Thornton to get over. 


Salim was beyond frustrated. He didn't understand why women thought that just because he was a Sheik, he would be up for anything they'd offer. He immediately regretted the decision to have the interviews done by himself. He should have let the H.R department to handle it. But he was also curious to know who the extra candidate was who sought secret ladders to climb up to this room. 

So far he interviewed six women and none were that candidate. That sole excitement was the only thing which kept him going through the process of interviews.

A knock evoked him from the thoughts and he responded with a curt, "Come in".  The women who walked in was beautiful, that was all he could think of. "Good morning Mr. Salim", she said in a sweet melancholy voice. I bet she sings wonderfully! He mentally shook his head, not right now Salim

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