the early years

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[This document was uncovered on */23/19*8 in the "nowhere" police department office (no longer active)]
I am police officer Joseph L Burazer of the Nowhere police department. I am writing this document on 8/25/1963 to record the actions of a criminal nicknamed "freaky Fred". From what we have on freaky Fred, he was born somewhere near Seattle, Washington in 1926. Nothing is currently known about his parents or guardians. The only relative we have in our records is his aunt Muriel. From what we have seen in his school records, Fred was actually very intelligent for his age, qualifying for the "advanced program". The first sign of mental illness was witnessed during Fred's 10th birthday party. His aunt Muriel brought him a gift. A pet hamster (its name or gender are currently unknown) . surprisingly enough, Fred actually took very good care of his new pet for the first week. Feeding it regularly, playing with it, even using his birthday money to buy toys for his new companion. A problem revealed itself when the hamster needed to be trimmed. This was the day freaky Fred was born. Fred did a great job with it, showing a great skill in the craft, but...the problem revealed itself when he finished trimming the animal...Fred, didn't stop. He started to dig into the hamster's flesh. By the time Muriel saw the hamster. It was possible to see its bones and organs. Being afraid of their son, Fred's parents sent him to a psychologist, to no avail. All Fred would say is, he was feeling "naughty"

(End of part 1 ^.^ I hope this entertained you! :) because if it did, you're in luck. There is more of this to come)

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