Chapter 2 - Town

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"Hi Mum." I say as I walk through the door.
"Hi Girls. Do you need anything? A drink, a snack," Mum chirps.
We smile.
"Can I just have a glass of water please? Oh and nice to see you again Mrs. Harper!" Kylie says cheerfully.
"Sure thing Sweetheart. Can I get you anything Abi?"
"I'm, would you mind if I have a slice of toast?" Abi replies.
"Of course. Is everything ok?" Mum says in concern.
"Oh yes everything's fine! I was just daydreaming a bit that's all."
"Ok. Candy is there anything I can get you?" Mum asks me with a smile.
"Not today thank you. Do you want me to get everything?" I ask.
"Oh no that's ok Gorgeous, I'll get everything. Why don't you girls watch a bit of TV whilst I get sorted? I'll be back in a bit." Says Mum cheerfully.
"Sounds like a plan!" I shout.
Everyone laughs. I grab the remote and turn on the TV. I change the channel over to E! to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians - our favourite TV show. Out of the corner of my eye I see my phone light up.
"That's probably Kyle. He said he was going to call me to sort out our Biology Project that we are working on." I say as I walk upstairs to my bedroom, leaving Kylie and Abi to the TV.
"Hi Kyle."
"Hi Candy, I was just calling -"
"I know, I know. About the Biology Project right?"
"Well yes but there's something else."
"What's up?"
"Uhh... Well... I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie with me this Friday night - you know just the two of us? Or you could come round mine and we could talk about the Project -"
"The movies sound great! What time do you want to pick me up? I live at 119 Rowley Street."
"Does 9:00pm sound ok?"
"Great! See you then."
"Great. Bye."
"See ya"
I ended the call.
"EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
"OMG what happened?!" Kylie shouts.
"SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!" They all scream with joy.
I CAN'T believe that actually happened! ME - a nerdy high school student going on a date with THE Kyle Morgans! Ahh! This is probably the best day of my life! I can just picture it in my head...
Us two driving to the movies in his car whilst singing stupidly to Call Me Maybe, laughing until we cry, holding hands in the movies, going out to dinner, a goodbye kiss before I get out of the car...
Ok that's probably NEVER going to happen. But anyway I'M STILL GOING ON A DATE WITH KYLE MORGANS!!! God I feel like an obsessed fangirl fangirling over Justin Bieber or some other famous noob. What was gotten into me? But still. School first, boys later. School first, boys later.
Let's be real now. Why would the Captain of the Football Team choose me other the 'Popular' cheerleaders in tight skirts jumping around with silly little pom poms? I'm just a brown haired girl with the brains going on a date with her Biology Partner. Could this get anymore unreal?
"COME ON GIRL!! WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!!!!!" Screams Abi in delight as she runs down the stairs and trips over the banister.
"OMG! Are you ok?" Laughs Kylie.
"Why on earth do I have to be so clumsy?!"
We all laugh, including my Mum.
"Do you want me to drive you there? I need to go to get a couple of groceries anyway. I can meet you back in the parking lot at 8:00pm if you want. Just don't be late, you'll end up walking!" Says Mum.
"Ok! Love you! I'll meet you in the car on the driveway, I've just got to get a couple of things." I say as I turn to face her.
"Ok Gorgeous." She turns around and gives me a kiss, then walks back downstairs.
I walk around my bed to get my iPhone 5s, my purse with £60 to pay for clothes and dinner - but hopefully I won't have to pay as it is MY birthday treat and I put on my white Nike Airs. I walk downstairs and go out of the back door, where I see 3 happy faces smiling at me.
"Get in the car already!" Kylie shouts.
"Ok, ok! Just let me lock the door!" I shout back.
Can these girls get any more impatient?! I get into the front seat and we sing along to I Can't Feel My Face - The Weeknd, Black Magic - Little Mix and Drag Me Down - One Direction. I can't believe that I actually like One Direction's new song. It's my JAM!
We get to town in around 10 minutes, enough time to listen to 3 full songs.
"Here we are girls! Have fun, text me if you need anything."
"OK Mum! See you later, love you!" I say.
"Thank you Mrs. Harper!" Abi and Kylie shout in unison.
"That's ok girls! Be good you lot!"
"Bye Mum!" I shout as I wave back at the car.
"Where do you want to go first?" Kylie says with a huge grin on her face.
"NEW LOOK!!" I scream.
I love New Look so much! It's my favourite clothing store. They have so many different styles of clothes and they all look so cute! The only problem is that it's a bit on the pricey side of retail.
I come out of the shop with 1 pair of White Patent Pointed Court Shoes that were £10.00 in the sale, a Petite Khaki Bardot Neck Bodycon Dress that was £12.99, and a Tan Stitch Trim Backpack which was £9.00 in the sale. I basically bought my outfit for my date with Kyle. Oh dreamy Kyle.
Abi nudged me.
"What?" I say, looking confused.
"Over there!"
"Omg" I whisper.
I can't believe my eyes. It was him. It was Kyle. Kyle Morgans is smiling at me. I got a text on my phone. It was James.
James: You need to get over here now.
Me: But why?
James: Kayleigh keeps flirting with Kyle, she's trying to make a move.
Me: For the last time I DON'T LIKE KYLE!
James: Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just get over here unless you want Kayleigh to go and stalk you two at the movies on Friday night.
Me: What? Who told you about that?
James: There's no time for that. Just let me come round yours whenever your Mum picks you guys up.
Me: OK.
James: Well... What are you waiting for? If you're too shy to say hi to him then just start a conversation with me.
Me: Seems simple enough.
James: Then get your fat ass over here! ;)
Me: Fine, I'm coming over.
No reply.
"I'm going over to see James and Kyle, you two coming?" I turn to say to Kylie and Abi.
"Did you just say James?" Kylie says shyly.
"Omg please don't tell me you like him in that way!"
"Yep. Since we met on the first day of High School."
"All this time? Come on then, you won't have anything to worry about. He's my best friend, I know his secrets" I say mischievously.
As we walk over to Starbucks where Kyle and James are sitting, I see Kayleigh stand up with her Mean Girls group thing.
"Ugh! And what do you think you're doing here?!" She hisses.
"We were just -"

Authors Notes
Hello! I just wanted to say that in this chapter I didn't want to offend anyone, so if you are a cheerleader or you like Justin Bieber or whatever, I am sorry. I was just doing typical stereotypes and didn't mean to be mean to anyone. Also, if you do work at a McDonalds and love working there - keep at it. I'm not trying to say that working at McDonalds is bad or anything. :)

Oh and also, if you go onto the New Look website, you can actually see what Candy chose to wear on her first date with Kyle! You may even want to purchase that outfit for YOUR date!

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Thank you!

Lauren xox

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