Chapter 3 - James' Story

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"Oh, you just happen to come over here  to try to steal my boyfriend?! Well, get your act together because that's not happening Sweetie!" Kayleigh chuckles.
I HATE Kayleigh. I like to think of her as an alien in disguise as a high school cheerleader, a popular. I really don't see what other people see in her! She's probably the meanest human being on the whole planet.
I mean, come on. Yeah, she's pretty. Looks aren't everything though! You know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover! Well, that's exactly what everyone does. Because she's a pretty, popular, blonde cheerleader, everyone loves her! Everyone wants to be her. I could seriously punch her in the face.
"Uhh.. Your boyfriend?!" I screech.
"Girls, girls, calm down, fighting over the Jamester I see."
James is so cheeky, but he just saved my life. LITERALLY.
"Ugh and why would we be fighting over a stupid little wannabe like you? UGH!" Kayleigh shouts as she walks off.
"You just saved my life."
"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I totally owe you one from what happened last year," says James.
Ah yes, last year. So basically...
Back then, James would get bullied and pushed around by these weird men in the park. They would make him do things he didn't want to, like, for example, stealing things out of people's houses and back yards. If he didn't agree to do it, they would beat him. He hated it. He hated it so much and even wanted to end his life for it. I couldn't do anything of course, I was too weak as they were strong body builders, that's why we couldn't fight back.
Anyway, time passed, and it was getting to the point where James just couldn't take it anymore. He didn't feel safe hanging out with his friends, taking his younger sister, Charlie, to the park to play on the swings - or even just walking through the park to get to the butchers on the other side. His dad worked there, so sometimes he had to help out at the shop.
I couldn't take it anymore, neither could he. He was so paranoid and it was very unhealthy. He couldn't sleep because he thought that they were going to follow him home and break into his house while he was sleeping. I always said to him that he had to tell his mum, but he always refused. He didn't want her to be worried about him.
So, when James was at the butchers, I went to his house to see his mum. I explained to her everything that had happened and she called the police. The men were sent to jail for the rest of their lives, so James didn't have to worry about them coming back for revenge.
If I hadn't said to his mother about what had happened, James probably wouldn't be here to this day.
"Let's go back to our table, shall we?" He says.
"Sure" I reply.
When we walk over to the table that he was sitting at, Kyle smiles at me.
"Hey" he says.
"Hi" I reply back.
"I was just saying to James before you guys showed up, if you wanted to get something to eat? It's 6:00pm now so we will have enough time, do you guys want to come?"
"Sorry, it's girls night." Kylie replies quickly.
"Yeah, girls night! We just went shopping to get Candy something to wear for Friday!" Abi says with a big smile.
I nudge her.
"Oh um... Probably shouldn't of said that.. Bye!"
We all laugh as she drags me away by the hand.
"Bye!" I shout as I wave behind me.

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