Chapter Eleven

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"You should sleep." I told Annabeth, using a quiet voice to soothe her.

She gave me a look. It was gentle but questioning. "Percy," She pleaded. "Will you stay?"

Her face was so full of pain and fear. I nodded and grabbed her hand. "Always." I murmured against her forehead, while I kissed it.

She drifted off to sleep gradually and I decided I would stay and let her sleep in peace. Then I heard a knock on the door. I go over quietly and open it.

"Percy, we need to ask you some questions." Hermione spit out as soon as I opened the door. I glanced back at Annabeth. I didn't want to leave her alone. "Oh, come on! She's asleep. She'll be fine."

When I didn't answer, Harry and Ron exchanged looks. Then, they grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the room. Hermione shut the door and followed behind us. I stopped struggling and decided I would answer some of their questions.

They threw me on the couch and began asking questions.

"Okay. Um. . . First question. Who is she?" Ron said, pointing towards Annabeth's room.

"I get drunk on jealousy but you'll come back each time you leave cause darlin' I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream." They stared at me like I was insane. I'm a swifty, okay. "No? No one gets my reference? Fine. What do you guys have against T Swizzle?"

"Who in the bloody hell is 'T Swizzle'?" Ron asked in disbelief.

"Well my apprentice, T Swizzle--" I began.

"Doesn't matter. We have bigger problems. Answer our first question!" Hermione was shouting now. I hoped she didn't wake Annabeth up.

"Okay. . . Calm down. You're just like Annabeth. Um. . . What was the first question?" I asked scratching the back of my neck.

Hermione glared at me and said, "We asked who the blonde girl, the one who broke her ankle, is."

"Okay, sorry. I have ADHD and I don't concentrate very well. Oh. That's Annabeth."

They glanced between each other with understanding. Then Harry asked, "Why was she with Volde-- Yeah I know, Hermione."

"Um. I guess the same reason you guys need her. She's--"

"We don't need her, that's my point." Hermione said loathingly.

"Yes, you do. She's a strategist. She and I have both been in wars before. She knows how to win."

I could have sworn I heard Hermione mumble something about not needing our help and you can't just know how to win. Ron followed her and it left just Harry and I in the room.

"Sorry 'bout that. She can be a little. . ." Harry said and I nodded with understanding.

"We meant to also talk to you about one other thing." He gave me a serious look and then continued. "We need to break into the most high security bank in the entire wizarding world. There isn't one place safer. . . Except maybe Hogwarts."

"Okay," I said. "Let's do it."

So I'm writing this while I should be posting chapter seven. The next chapter will be a lot longer hopefully. I love you guys so much. If you liked this chapter leave a vote. If any comments, concerns, or questions call the comments bar.

Question: What is the third line of the prophecy from The Titan's Curse?

Media is because I love Taylor Swift. I'm a huge swifty. (Swiftie?)

I'll post a little earlier for you guys. With school, I'll be very busy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

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