Chapter 6~ Time skip

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Alissa's dress ^

Alissa's POV

For three weeks I have been ignoring Nathan. Every text he sent I didn't bother to open. Every time he stood in front of his window, trying to get my attention I simply closed my curtains. Every time he tried to talk to me in school I would turn to the person next to me and start talking to them, but he didn't stop trying. 

My second get together with Will went really well, I told him what Nathan had said to me, we went to the cinema, we had something to eat and then he took me home. It was pretty perfect. 

My parents had been home for 2 weeks now, when they were away I wasn't on top of my studies but now they are back they are pushing me harder then ever. 

"Honey?" I looked up from my Food tech homework to see my Mother formally dressed. 

"Yes?" I dropped my pen on my desk and turned in my chair to face her. 

"The Hunt's are coming over for dinner again. Please can you put something nicer on and join me down stairs to set the table" She flashed me a smile and I glanced down at the leggings and long vest top I was wearing.

"Sure thing" I returned her smile but mentally cringed a thousand at the mention of his name. 

"Make sure to dress up, Jane told me Nathan has taken a small liking to you" My mum winked at me and chuckled. I rolled my eyes and forced a dry laugh. 

My mum left my room still laughing to herself, I lazily walked over to my wardrobe and studied my collection of dresses . I picked out a simple dark red bodycon dress with long sleeves, it ended just above my knees. I grabbed some plain, black, short heels and chucked them on my bed. Before getting changed I stripped and jumped into the shower, washing my hair quickly with my favourite mango shampoo then washing my body with some plain soap. I wrapped a towel around my pale body and walked back into my room. I was starting to dread the night already, I wasn't ready to face Nathan after our 'heated' moment and argument.

"Alissa hurry up!" I heard my dad yell from the bottom of the stairs. 

"Okay!" I snapped back and grabbed my underwear, slipping it on then I pulled my dress on over my head. I rushed over to my dressing table and turned on my hair dryer, blowing my hair until it was dry enough and I left it how it naturally is. I covered my face in light make up then went back over to my bed to put my shoes on. 

I ran down the spiral stair case and into the dining room. "Here" I announced and glanced around the table. Mr and Mrs Hunt were smiling at me kindly, my parents gave me a slight glare and then Nathan sat facing my seat, his eyes roaming my body before they landed on my own and his lips turned up into a smirk. 

"About time" My mum laughed, but she was obviously annoyed. 

"Sorry I'm late, caught up on homework" I flashed everyone a kind smile and took my seat opposite him. 

"It's no problem Alissa, you look lovely by the way" Jane grinned at me and then glanced over at Nathan. "You must tell me what shops you shop in" She laughed and I joined in. 

"Of course" I could feel Nathan's eyes on me, they hadn't left me since I walked in.

"Here is dinner" My mum sang as she walked back into the dining room. She placed down a plate of Chicken pasta Alfredo in front of everyone and then she took her seat next to my dad.

"This looks amazing, thanks Karen" Nathan finally tore his eyes away from me to thank my mum. 

"No problem Nathan" She grinned "Such a nice boy" She winked at me, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Dig in everyone" 

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