Chapter 8~ I'm trying

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Alissa's POV

"He's dating Katie?!" Will gasped.

"Shush!" I covered his mouth with my hand. "His bedroom is right there" I pointed over at Nathan's window. It was now Friday night and I had invited Will over ,while my parents went out for dinner, to break the news to him.

He licked my palm and I quickly retracted my hand and wiped it on his top. "Ew Will" I laughed. "That's gross" He smirked and and grabbed both of my hands.

"So, does that mean double dating?" He rubbed the palm of my hands with his thumbs.

"No way" I mumbled and he laughed at me softly.

"Come on babe, maybe she does want to start fresh." I weakly shrugged and sighed. "Lets just give it a go, plus I need to spend more time with Nathan... He's been ignoring me for a few days" Will looked over my shoulder and out of my window at Nathan's window.

"Fine" I groaned and fell back onto my bed. "And I have no idea why he is ignoring you" Will fell next to me and sighed.

"Yeah" He turned onto his side and he wrapped his arms around me. "He's really confusing me lately. His mood swings are growing" Will muttered to himself.

"Don't worry about it" I smiled at him and gently ran my fingers through his curly hair.

"How about you call Nathan up and ask about a double date while I go order us a takeaway?" He sat up and placed a sweet kiss to my cheek.

I groaned as he moved away from me "Okay" I glanced over at Nathan's window to see him sitting at his desk, drumming his fingers on the wood with a few sheets of paper in front of him. I grabbed my phone off the bed side table and dialled his number

"Are my eyes deceiving me? Is the great Alissa really calling me first? Wow I never knew I would live to see the day" Nathan chuckled and looked over to my window.

"Shut it" I walked over to my window and he did the same. "I was just calling to ask you a question"

"Really calling while we are 6ft away from each other?" He smirked.

"Shut up and let me talk please" I rolled my eyes at him "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with me?" My cheeks heated up slightly for some reason.

"Sure, who is the other couple?" He winked at me.

"I'd rather die then date you Nathan" he stuck his tongue out at me "I meant you and Katie and Will and I"

"Oh.. Will and you?" I watched his face drop slightly but then his lips quickly turned up into a smirk "Yous fucked yet?"

I closed my eyes and cringed "No Nathan, we've been together for like 2 days"

"So you're taking it slow?" He laughed loudly.

"Shut up! Do you want to do the date or not?" I opened my eyes and glared at him.

"Sure thing, are you going to be okay with Katie?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I convincingly lied "Like you said, she has changed" I flashed him a quick fake smile.

"Thanks Ali" he gave me a real smile "So tomorrow? At the bowling alley maybe?"

"Sounds good to me, see you there around 1?" Nathan nodded. "Great, I'll talk to you later" I smiled at him before hanging up. He brought the phone down from his ear and he waved goodbye to me. I closed my curtains and turned around to see Will walking back in.

"Done it?" He grinned.

"Yep" I sighed and walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You owe me"

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