The Kiss

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Previously : Mike and Layla head to the creepy part of downtown for a mission. Mike ends up disappearing and Layla gets drugged and kidnapped. Bad luck Layla, as usual. When she wakes up, she's in an abandoned, door less ballet studio with a creepy man who has a scar at the side of his face. She feels like she recognizes him from somewhere but doesn't mention it, instead just says uncreative insults, as usual. The man laughs and claims that he has killed Layla's mother. 


Layla POV

His gaze pierces through my chest. His smirk makes the anger rise out of me. His burnt skin, normally would make someone feel pity, but only makes me feel disgusted. That hand that rests upon the pistol, that hand that has touched me before, that hand that has taken significant amount of lives away. That hand is what I wish to chop off with a huge fucking butcher knife.

He killed my father. He killed my mother.

"If this is some sick joke, scar face? I'll give you 20 seconds to confess and there will be no consequences." I snap, my eyes showing no emotions.

He dares to chuckle. My face is blank but my mind is formulating a plan to get my hands out of the ropes grasp. I quietly tug my hands from behind, testing how tight the rope has been tied. I tug a little harder and it slips off easily. Wow who ever tied this was weak and stupid as hell..

"It's not a joke?" He says. a little hesitant as his eyes flicker to the guys around. They all shrug.

Scar face's eyes go wide when I attack.


All I can hear are voices telling me to stop, telling me I'm killing him, telling me to back away. All I feel are hands trying to pull me but I can't stop. The adrenaline takes over my body and the feeling of redemption for my parents is so close, I can feel it squirming under my grasp.

"Layla! Stop! He's going to die!" I suddenly start to hear each sentence as my mind becomes more clear.

"Jayden's going to die!"

This makes me stop in my tracks.


My vision is clear now, I have stopped crying. Beneath me is Jayden, his face bruised but recognizable. A brown wig has fallen off to the side and the scar on the face has been smudged off. Holy shit.

I just beat up Jayden.

I look around and realize that they're all members of my gang as they take their disguises off. Mr.Dangerous, Mike, Anthony...Jayden.

Jayden whimpers beneath me one more time.

"GET HIM TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes.

Mr.Dangerous has already put Jayden on his back as he tries to rush out the room, but stops when he realizes that there are no doors.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE NO DOORS IN THIS ROOM?!" I yell, crying some more. I'm in complete freak out mode.

Mike motions his hands and walks towards me, gently putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Layla, take a breath." He takes out a remote control and presses a button which makes the wall in front of James rise up, revealing an exit. We all rush out and get in the car, rushing to the hospital, wherever that is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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