Those Blue eyes

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Here he was, Rin was stood on the cliff top sadly gazing out to the sea. The beach was close to being empty apart from a few families that were the size of ants in the distance so luckily for him they couldn't see him. Rin stepped to the edge so the tip of his feet were over the edge, it had finally come to this. The stress of everything had finally got to him, his friends slowly stopped talking to him as he got more and more depressed over the weeks not wanting to talk to anyone any more and now he stood ready to jump. The ocean looked so calm and welcoming, he whispered apologies to everyone under his breath, closed his eyes and fell.


Haru had been doing nothing interesting that day apart from floating around being guided by the currents under the waves, he did this often as it calmed him and felt soothing. He looked upwards at the small rays of sun that managed to get past the waves and sink into the depths of the ocean. Out of the corner of his eye a large object started sinking slowly to the ocean floor not moving. After watching it float down for a few seconds he decided to check it out, out of curiosity and his tail gracefully moved him to the sinking thing. Haru's eyes widened as he saw the stunning face partly hidden by the boys wine red hair, he pulled him into his arms in an instant and pushed his tail as fast as he could to get the boy to land before he stopped breathing.

Laying the limp body on a flat rock he made sure there was a pulse, it was faint but it was something. Moving the wet locks out of the mysterious boys face all Haru saw was pure beauty, his face held not a single flaw. He found his finger gently tracing the edge of his jaw line, his eyes never left the boys face. His other hand moved the boys upper lip to reveal pointed teeth almost similar to a sharks, from this action the red haired beauty started to awaken, before leaving his face hovered above the boys just to see his entrancing red eyes and then slipped back into the sea like nothing happened.


Rin's eyes fluttered open just in time to catch a glimpse of those breath taking blue eyes and sat up quickly coughing out water. He desperately looked around for the person with the blue eyes while trying to stop coughing but it was useless, the blue eyed boy was gone. At that moment he didnt care that he was still alive and his plan to end his life had failed, no, the only thing that was on his mind was those eyes.

At some point Rin had pulled himself together enough to get home and warm up to avoid hyperthermia. As he lay on the sofa with a blanket wrapped round him and a half drunk cup on coffee in his hands his thoughts drifted back to the eyes. He didn't know why he was so drawn in by these eyes, the pair of eyes so blue you could drown in them. After getting lost in his thoughts for a while all he can think is how he will find the person who saved him before falling asleep on the sofa from exhaustion.

I'm sorry this is so bad and so short. This is my first time trying to actually write a proper fan fiction & it was written on my phone so apologise for any mistakes, this only really happened due to me and my friend thinking of fic ideas and just really needing to write them rather keeping them just as idea's. I promise to try and make future chapters longer and better but for now ill just leave it like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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